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Final Trailer for One Piece (Netflix) Released


Gold Member


Scores are all over the place

Most negative ones are complaining about it being "too faithful", which is bullshit imo

They wanted the series taking more liberties with the material. Yeah, 'cause that worked perfectly with The Witcher.

Will watch it later today


Gold Member
Mexican Luffy is still a wild casting choice, but it doesn't look that bad........ for a netflix live action manga adaptation

Anyone seen it ?
How is it holding up ?


The nicest things I could say they gave a good effort and the main casts were decent. Itā€™s still lacking soul, some side casts canā€™t act and I hate what they did with syrup village arc. So a 6/10 for first 4 episodes.


Watched the first ep. They're trying but the dialogue and changes mostly don't work for me. It's all worse payoffs and character beats really. I get that they wanted to put the trio together quicker but the execution was eh especially with everything worthwhile about the marine island being bungled or missing. I don't mind the actors for the main cast but I'm not a huge fan of their characterizations so far as alot of it feels forced. I'm not interested in watching anymore but I do think their hearts were in the right place and it could be a decent enough show on its own even if it looks and sounds like bad cosplay much of the time. it is telling with the changes to Alvida that a lot of rough edges are getting sanded down though.


I donā€™t really understand who these live actions are for. Are they banking on non anime fans checking it out?
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Great first episode enjoyed it. Good to see one piece not getting hogged down by endless unwatchable fillers. Combat is also pretty solid so far.

It's pretty much a series for the one piece fans, i can see new people being put off with the over the top characters.

zoro and nami are good fits for the chars tho, same for luffy.


Itā€™s good! Casting is on point! Story is condense from the Manga but it doesnā€™t feel like you missing much!

Itā€™s moving at a good pace that even new watchers can follow!


There's not one main character of villain that I disagree with on casting. Sleeper surprise was Helmepo, the actor was so good that made still despise him like I did first time I saw the anime. Buggy was soo good. I was quite surprised with Garp some may not like his portrayal, but I loved that Garp was more fleshed out this season compared to the anime/Manga seasons.

I loved all the Straw Hat crew performances but since this is a short season, we didn't get to see much of Sanji. But what we did see, the Sanji actor is almost perfect IMO.
They actually went with the manga backstory
Zorro is actually the best portrayal and the actor exudes charisma.
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Gold Member
Holy fucking shit, watched episode 1 and this is amazing. With Netflix's history, how the hell did they pull this off?
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