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Finally saw Secret Window

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Ok fine.

Good flick, decent script and direction by Koepp. Easily better than his previous Stir of Echoes. Great performances by Depp and Turturro. The twist was quite surprising, and the ending is probably one of the ballsiest I've ever seen. *crunch*


Prince of Space said:
Ok fine.

Good flick, decent script and direction by Koepp. Easily better than his previous Stir of Echoes. Great performances by Depp and Turturro. The twist was quite surprising, and the ending is probably one of the ballsiest I've ever seen. *crunch*

Thanks. So do you recommend it?


The very subtle (and possibly unintentional, which would just mean it's the biggest example of cinema serendipity ever) Stephen King fanwank is great.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
It was decent and I soooo saw the ending coming.


I saw the ending coming, we've had too many endings like that lately. BUT it was cool to see Depp acting that way for once. His performance was great, same with Turturro. They're easily the best character actors working in my opinion.


I think what made it work wasn't the script or even the direction. The movie was carried by Depp and Turturro, and would have been just some other lame thriller if it hadn't been for their performances.



The twist was quite surprising, and the ending is probably one of the ballsiest I've ever seen. *crunch*

It was ballsy and surprising (but now that I look back on it, it's not THAT surprising), but I wasn't too big a fan of it.

There was no build up to it. I had no idea that was coming, in a bad sense. He was in his house, and suddenly, bing, bam, boom, it ends five minutes later.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
SickBoy said:
I think what made it work wasn't the script or even the direction. The movie was carried by Depp and Turturro, and would have been just some other lame thriller if it hadn't been for their performances.

I have to agree with that. Depp and Turturro made the film worth seeing, but the plot itself wasn't terribly interesting or inspired. Relatively predictable stuff, made interesting by the two leads.


I read that a lot of you saw the ending coming... well... I must admit: I didn't. And it took me by surprise actually...

It was an OK movie...

And I agree... the performances from Deep and Turturro were great...
Turturro is great in it,depp did his part well but i think Turturro is just amazing in this film.

the ending was obviouse, the film is slow and does not feel original.
I figured out the twist in the first 10 minutes but I had just watched Identity the night before so I was probably a little more skeptical than usual...


I'm tired of these kind of movies, I knew what the ending was going to be after the "Tom only saw you by yourself" scene.
I thought it was alright, but definatley predictable. Watching something like Fight Club or Identity before seeing this film also takes away from it.

The book was written before Fight Club though.


I thought it was okay, I didn't expect the ending but it didn't surprise me either. I was not trying to figure out the mystery though.

"...as he pulled another ear of corn from the steaming hot bowl." -- both Turturro and Depp should be laughed at for both writing stuff like that. :D

Didn't I see Depp have a mannerism,like a chomping/biting reflex now & then in the film?

Anyway, I like both actors. Turtorro's character made me think of a smarter, evil version of his O Brother Pete. I expected Turturro to look at Depp shifty-eyed at one point and say "...yew STOLE from mah KIN!", and Depp saying "..who was fixin' to betray us!" followed finally by "that don' make NO sense!".
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