There is no better feeling than knowing you don't have to go back into work for 2 weeks, apart from seeing all the hallions tomorrow for afternoon drinks at our Xmas party in Belfast, they're normally fairly uneventful with me drinking far too many Guinness and then autopiloting home but man we've had some doozeys back in the day with people riding, fighting and waking up in strange places, seems to be a lot more civilised these days especially considering everything can be captured in 4k and whatsapped to everyone!
Anyone got any good Xmas party tales?
I was in Dublin for the Christmas of 99, went with all my cousins, they're all female. We was meeting my other female cousin out there who was seeing an Irish bloke, I was a bit dubious being a young English naive twat. We landed, went out and got pissed, ended up in a bar that had three floors, live music on the ground, a cinema on the second and nightclub on the 3rd. I was rat arsed, met some blinding Irish lads and lasses, the lads were on pills, went outside for a smoke and almost had a fight with an old Irish bloke as I said the smoking ban would never come to England..
Went back to my cousins boyfriend's, and broke his chair as I was sloshed, he was right fucked off.
Woke up next day, they all decided on an open top tour bus, I had a thin jumper on. Almost froze to death, we drank more and more, it was. Fooking awful..
Got an early flight the next morning, was hanging out my arse, baby behind me cried all the way home through the worst turbulence.
Got home, dad took the piss out of me as I looked like death
Good Times.
Happy Christmas all!