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Firefox Sucks!!!

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I just installed firefox 0.9 and it didn't import my IE favorites. Then I tried to import them manually and it either locks up or gives me an error. Good times.


Yeah, first firefox won't import my shit. Then it goes into this insane cycle where it is neither running nor quitting, but bouncing endlessly in an un-quittable fashion. Firefox is crap.


Junior Member
Belfast said:
First BitTorrent, now FireFox? I think your computer sucks!!!

True dat. God, this thread sux. The only way to save it is a picture of a mullet:

Eh, good enough.


All I know is the java applet on F1.com's live timing makes Firefox crash and burn. Was giving me fits all weekend. Other than that, 0.9 kicks ass and Firefox is still not teh suck. PEACE.


The Faceless Master said:
if push comes to shove, there's always Opera... i really can't stand firefox

you're only .1 away. mwahahahahahaha.

alright, question.

my friend just got firefox and wants it to operate in single window mode. at the same time, he wants it so that when only ONE tab is open, the tab bar doesn't appear.

tabbrowser lets him operate in single window, but it keeps the tab bar open permanently, something he's not too happy with. any ideas?


Buddy - tried Tab Browser extensions (the one by the Japanese guy, not Chris Cooke)? I'm pretty sure it's one of the options in there. That behaviour infuriates me but hey, horses for courses :)
This happened to me! And they haven't been deleted

Your user has changed. How u change back inside the browser i have no idea but heres how i got them back

go to C:\doc+settings>your username>application settings> mozilla>firefox>profiles

now there shud be 2 or more profiles here. The one NOT called default user is your profile (theres a html file in the folder that has all your links in it if yur not sure)

Now delete/backup the Default User folder and rename the other folder Default User

Restart firefox



go to C:\doc+settings>your username>application settings> mozilla>firefox>profiles

I only have an "Application Data" folder in the "your username" folder. In that I do have a Mozilla folder, but there is nothing in the mozilla folder, no firefox folder, no nothing.
teiresias said:
I only have an "Application Data" folder in the "your username" folder. In that I do have a Mozilla folder, but there is nothing in the mozilla folder, no firefox folder, no nothing.

What about "Phoenix" rather than "Mozilla"? The pre-Firebird name of the browser, and where it appears there is actual data. My Mozilla folder is empty too.
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