The most important themes of this section of Tolkien are mortality, aging, decay and the quest to preserve that which you love against the withering brought on by the passage of time. The irony of this is that Numenor withers and decays specifically because of their pursuit of this quest. Compressing the downfall of Numenor into a couple of years or decades before FOTR's prologue is missing the point.
The VF article reads like they're pushing Third Age themes onto the second age, which may leave the basic events intact but without the framework that gives them impact.
Seeing huge gaps and huge stretches of time as a problem instead of an opportunity is the exact opposite of how this should work.
Makes me wonder if that 2020 production halt addressed something related to how The Witcher was received. The plan was always to pause production after the first two episodes, get a rough cut and see what needs to be changed. This turned into a very long pause with rumours of rewriting. That's when the scholar who worked with Jackson left the production. Maybe that's when they decided to compress it - apparently plebs did not understand The Witcher's parallel plots.
I hope this is not Elrond, by the way:
He's not supposed to be there but that white cloak in today's images... I don't know man.