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Floppy Drive mystery

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I can't get this crappy drive to work for the life of me, it was working fine like a month or two ago...i use it because i have a floppy Mavica cam. The device is working properly but it doesn't recognize disks and at time wants to format it when it works fine in the cam...what else can i do, any generic drivers that might do the trick...or should i just get a new drive?

mines on the blink as well. it works (sometimes) in safe mode and when i first turn on the pc, but after that it wont read any disk. grr


Reason #23 why I decided to put my FD Mavica out to pasture.

The problem is the variances in the floppy drives. Sometimes - not all the time, but sometimes - a floppy formatted in one drive will have problems being read in another, sometimes to the point of complete failure, like you're experiencing. If my memory's right, your camera should have the ability to copy an image from one floppy to another, so try formatting a floppy in your computer, then copying it onto that disk using the camera.


You can get floppy drives for virtually free these days. Lots of people want to toss their old computers; you can scavenge the drive from one. Failing that, they cost under $10 new (at a computer shop, not a generic electronics shop or department store).

If you really want to, you can try to adjust the alignment of the floppy drive. You just loosen the screw that prevents the head-position motor from turning. Mark the original position first, of course, but then twist the motor a bit and see if it can read the floppy. Try different positions until it works. The tighten the screw again.
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