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Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone is out


Gold Member
I just got back with my copy, but haven't has a chance to boot it up yet. The local GameStop only got 3 copies in. Looks like it'll get lost in the Fable hype this week.

Will play it some in a bit and post then.


Banstick Emeritus
Please do - this title's been flying under the radar for some time, but recent previews have piqued my interest.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
yup, i wanna hear about it too. i was 1/8th nerd in jr high and read the salvatore FR books ;)


Gold Member
Basically imagine a super upgraded LOTR: TTT in the D&D setting. So when you're upgrading your character and armor you buy D&D abilities and weapons like Sword +4, etc.

You are able to switch between the three characters at any time. I generally stick to the Fighter, but the Theif can use stealth to do sneak attacks while the Sorcerer has unlimited magical range attacks but can still kick ass with his staff. Each character has a "hero meter" the builds up to their special move, and when all three have their meters maxxed you can do a group special.

Unlike TTT where they basically said "Here's Amon Hen. Go play in it", the story is more tied into the game here. Like when you beat the first boss in the second level, the party loots him in an in-game cutscene where each character gets thier magical item that activates their R2 ability. The Fighter gets gaunts of ogre strength to smash through things, the Sorc gets these beads that are like fantasy C4, and the Thief gets a ring of Jumping that opens up her jumping attacks.

The engine is greatly upgraded from TTT with what looks like more characters on screen, better detail, better lighting, etc. The soundtrack is also very good. Also, a nice little touch is that the in-game character model changes depending on what weapons and armor you have upgraded to as well as what magical effects are applied to your weapons.

So far, it looks like there are ten levels.


Gold Member
bishoptl said:
does it support multiplayer at all?

Nope, which is strange since that was everyone's big complaint about TTT. You'd think they'd put that in after everyone whined about it last time.


What the hell this game is out? That came out of nowhere. Sucks, I dont know if ill have time/funds to play through or buy it.
The demo made me think it had rental written all over it. Too bad because I really like Salvatore's work. Why can't someone make a deep RPG using Salvatore's Drizzt stories. That or Dragonlance by Weiss & Hickman would be great.


CrimsonSkies said:
The demo made me think it had rental written all over it. Too bad because I really like Salvatore's work. Why can't someone make a deep RPG using Salvatore's Drizzt stories. That or Dragonlance by Weiss & Hickman would be great.

They made one on NES! Based on the Chronicles! Check it out! :p

Actually, it doesn't seem like Weis & Hickman know how to augment their Dragonlance universe anymore. I don't know if I trust some videogame developer to it...


Gold Member
TekunoRobby said:
Is this game a hack 'n slash a-la Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance? Sorry I never played LOTR: TTT.

No, BG: DA is more like a 3D Gauntlet. LOTR: TTT is more like a 3D Golden Axe.


CrimsonSkies said:
The demo made me think it had rental written all over it. Too bad because I really like Salvatore's work. Why can't someone make a deep RPG using Salvatore's Drizzt stories. That or Dragonlance by Weiss & Hickman would be great.

Get out of my head!
I'm contemplating waiting for the Xbox version but am hesitant based off the two previous efforts being inferior on that platform (TTT & ROTK).


Mr_Furious said:
I'm contemplating waiting for the Xbox version but am hesitant based off the two previous efforts being inferior on that platform (TTT & ROTK).

I thought Return of the King was actually better on Xbox, it just didn't have the online modes?


Played through the first 4 lvls of this tonight. Awesome game that is much better than the last 2 LotR games IMO. Music and voice acting is top notch and all 3 characters are really cool. The D&D liscense is perfect for this. I have a feeling the game isn't very long though. Sadly, no multiplayer but it would really diminish the switching between 3 characters gameplay.


This game has nothing to do with the LOTR games. Those were developed internally at EA, this game is completely unrelated.

It's too bad Atari apparently decided to toss this out with no promotion whatsoever. It looks to be a pretty slick title.


Rhindle said:
This game has nothing to do with the LOTR games. Those were developed internally at EA, this game is completely unrelated.

It's too bad Atari apparently decided to toss this out with no promotion whatsoever. It looks to be a pretty slick title.

Stormfront Studios developed Demon Stone. They also developed The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, published by EA.


Gold Member
Rhindle said:
This game has nothing to do with the LOTR games. Those were developed internally at EA, this game is completely unrelated.

It's too bad Atari apparently decided to toss this out with no promotion whatsoever. It looks to be a pretty slick title.

As the last poster said, Stormfront did The Two Towers and created the engine. EA did ROTK internally as Stormfront was working on Demon Stone.

And actually, after finishing Level 5 I think Demon Stone in terms of level design is much better than ROTK. There is just so much more going on in each level and the variety is much greater. Also, the levels are much more interactive with "danger zones" that you can knock enemies into to kill them. The level in the Wizard's Tower with the magical tower itself helping you fight off the armies is cool as is the giant animated golem you use to clear your path to the boss. Then Jungles of Chult just looks so damn awesome.

If it had multiplayer, it would probably be the better game than ROTK.

Musashi Wins!

Borrowed it tonight. Was thinking of picking it up on Xbox down the line, but maybe I can just beat it now. Graphics are impressive. More later :) Really flying under the radar.

btw, I've owned both ROTK's and I had no graphics problem on Xbox. It's a beautiful game on both systems. If the Xbox version of this isn't shipping with extra options, I see absolutely no reason not to own it first on PS2 as it's really nice looking.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I played the demo of this on the latest OPM disc and it seems to inherit the same problem that held back Two Towers and ROTK for me. The attacks fail to connect in a convincing way for me. It feels like you slide around your opponents a bit. Hard to explain.


Gold Member
HOLY SHIT. Kicking Troll ass as Drizzt = AWESOME. Drizzt fights so cool, exactly as Salvatore describes his fighting style as. Legolas in TTT and ROTK has nothing on this.


kaching said:
The attacks fail to connect in a convincing way for me. It feels like you slide around your opponents a bit. Hard to explain.
Nah, you nailed it. That's exactly it. It feels like you're cutting through tissue paper. The hits are the exact opposite of "meaty." If you're going to make a game about hitting stuff with a sword, then please, make it satisfying to hit stuff with a sword.

You should be a game reviewer!


Gold Member
BenT said:
Nah, you nailed it. That's exactly it. It feels like you're cutting through tissue paper. The hits are the exact opposite of "meaty." If you're going to make a game about hitting stuff with a sword, then please, make it satisfying to hit stuff with a sword.

You should be a game reviewer!

You can defend the Mithril Hall as Drizzt in this game.

Sure, it copies the Helm's Deep level from TTT, but it is fucking cool.


ManaByte said:
You can defend the Mithril Hall as Drizzt in this game.

Sure, it copies the Helm's Deep level from TTT, but it is fucking cool.
What would win in a fight, Drizzt or a pile of tissue paper shaped like an ice troll? ;)

Musashi Wins!

BenT said:
Nah, you nailed it. That's exactly it. It feels like you're cutting through tissue paper. The hits are the exact opposite of "meaty." If you're going to make a game about hitting stuff with a sword, then please, make it satisfying to hit stuff with a sword.

wow, you are right on. It totally takes away from the satisfying sense of combat as well. The LOTR series is not nearly that bad. It's a shame because you have some decent combo and ability options with the characters. As a matter of fact, the leveling up seems the most interesting part of the game which isn't good news. They really take a lot of the level design from the other series, including the interaction with level props and camera angles. Beside that, it's extremely generic with an especially lame story considering it's written by a major fantasy author. Bad humor too. I would not actually buy this title for anywhere near full price.


I just finished level 2. Going off to Zhai's village right now to check on the dark elfs. I have differing thougths on the fighting - i don't see it as paper tissue at all - there were several enemies that i had to hit multiple times and i def. had to wait a little to hit again if i got really tired. sometimes i could 'feel' them knocking me down too. now maybe i don't get what paper tissue is - but the fighting didn't take away from the game for me....i have to say - i really thought that the 3-d environment was super cool. like in the start how i could see all this stuff going on in the background and had to go along the path to get to it. pretty cool for sure.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I'd say even less than paper tissue actually. LOTR:TT, ROTK and the Demon Stone demo I played all feel like you're swinging at nothing for the most part. The only thing that informs that there is an enemy in front of you is the visual onscreen and the fact that your character is blocked from walking that way. Attacks don't convey any substantial sense of connecting with anything. I thinks its a weaknesses in both the audio cues and the attack animations that don't communicate a clear end to each attack action. Thus, I never feel particularly comfortable with my timing.


kaching said:
I'd say even less than paper tissue actually. LOTR:TT, ROTK and the Demon Stone demo I played all feel like you're swinging at nothing for the most part.
so, so true. this game is gorgeous but i couldn't get interested. maybe when it's $10.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Picked up this and Advance Guardian Heroes today. Haven't touched this since I spent most of the night beating AGH. Tomorrow, however...
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