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FPS issues in the Joint Operations Demo


Time ta STEP IT UP
I recently aquired my ATI Radeon x800 PRO. Quite a sexy card. Right now, I'm running Doom III at 1024x768 on high detail with little FPS stuttering. Very surprised, as many have said that the card wouldn't keep up with the 6800 GT.

Anyway, there you have it. I'm playing Doom III great. I have a 2.8ghz P4 Processor, Radeon x800, and 1 gig of Dual Channel DDR. Now, why is it when I play the Joint Operation Demo, I only get about 20 fps most of the time?

What is this? It really affects the experience of the game, especially since there's so much stuff going on at one time.

Are there any fixes to resolve this issue? I would think that I'd be getting great fps most of the time. I've tried lowering the resolution or detail, but nothing seems to help. I thought it was a ping issue, but the servers I'm joining usually give me a ping of 10. Not too shabby...

what's the dealio? I was going to buy this game but not if the fps is gonna be such a drag.

Musashi Wins!

The retail game had a patch that pretty wiped out any issues I had. I'm running on a 9800 Pro. I know before the patch I was getting some strange framerate issues, but it came out like a week after I got it. Fantastic game, btw (didn't play a demo).
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