Just realized that we haven't hear from the world's foremost expert in forgeries: Frank Abagnale Jr. (Remember the movie Catch Me If You Can?) I bet that man is laughing his behind off. (Also see Abagnale's comments on the movie.)
Now, if he'd done these documents, they'd be on 30 year old paper, done with a 30 year old typewriter and ribbon -- and possibly with the exact same typewriter used in some real documents. Remember when the communists made anyone with a typewriter submit sample pages? Each typewriter is unique!
Dear Robin:
Thank you for your e-mail. Though Mr. Abagnale has not personally seen the
documents or copies of the documents, from what he has seen on television he
believes the documents are forgeries. He feels this should be evident to
anyone of any knowledge of forged documents.
I can tell you that he sent an e-mail to Neil Cavuto of Your World on Fox
News Network (he knows him personally) that stated: "If my forgeries looked
as bad as the CBS documents, it would have been "Catch Me In Two Days".
Sarah Hammermill
Information Officer
Abagnale & Associates
Washington, DC