Just a really quick question, which kind of gameplay do you prefer between the two?
System based: gameplay only offers a set of tools to the players and allows him/her to come off with his/her solution to the issue. This means that there are often exploitable solution, either intended or unintended by the developers that break the game in multiple ways.This approach rewards player's ingenuity but potentially damages stuff like the difficulty level or level design. More extreme example of this kind of philosophy might be Zelda BOTW, but most WRPGs follow more or less this kind of formula.
Design based: gameplay is tightly designed by the developer in all aspects, from level design to what you are allowed or not allowed to do. There's little space for a player to express creativity, but also little space for exploits that would allow the player to break the game, allowing the designers to keep everything under control. Extreme example of this would be really linear games like the recent God of war, uncharted, but in general any level based single player game.
I know that games can have a bit of both, but for this question i just wanted to know which one is your preferred style and why.
Personally while I love a tightly designed level (although it's a lost art nowdays), i find the ability to use the game system against itself incredibly immersive, so i must give my point to the system based gameplay...although sometimes completely breaking an encounter leaves a bittersweet taste in my mouth
System based: gameplay only offers a set of tools to the players and allows him/her to come off with his/her solution to the issue. This means that there are often exploitable solution, either intended or unintended by the developers that break the game in multiple ways.This approach rewards player's ingenuity but potentially damages stuff like the difficulty level or level design. More extreme example of this kind of philosophy might be Zelda BOTW, but most WRPGs follow more or less this kind of formula.
Design based: gameplay is tightly designed by the developer in all aspects, from level design to what you are allowed or not allowed to do. There's little space for a player to express creativity, but also little space for exploits that would allow the player to break the game, allowing the designers to keep everything under control. Extreme example of this would be really linear games like the recent God of war, uncharted, but in general any level based single player game.
I know that games can have a bit of both, but for this question i just wanted to know which one is your preferred style and why.
Personally while I love a tightly designed level (although it's a lost art nowdays), i find the ability to use the game system against itself incredibly immersive, so i must give my point to the system based gameplay...although sometimes completely breaking an encounter leaves a bittersweet taste in my mouth