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French Toast Pop-Tarts!!!

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Holy Carp!! These things are amazing. They're literally the best packaged pastry, not to mention Pop-Tart I've EVER tasted!

You've got to try them! I've already eaten 2 boxes in the last 2 days, and I can't stop.


Count of Concision
They're better than the old cinnamon ones? Must be good, then. :p Normal descriptors should suffice, however-- no need to invoke the name of sanctified aquatic fauna. ;)


I strongly disagree. As an avid lover of both French toast and Pop Tarts, I found these French toast Pop Tarts to be grossly misleading, and could be more closely likened to that of eating a penis than of tasty breakfast-treat-like goodness.

And trust me, I know penis.
Andy787 said:
I strongly disagree. As an avid lover of both French toast and Pop Tarts, I found these French toast Pop Tarts to be grossly misleading, and could be more closely likened to that of eating a penis than of tasty breakfast-treat-like goodness.

And trust me, I know penis.

Uh...if you're a guy, I'll just take your word for it.

If you're a girl though, please, please tell me more (very discriptively)
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