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fuckfuckfuckfuck for Forest (yes, this has pics) (yes, you can say fuck)

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Apparently, two folks jumped up on stage during some band's performance and started getting it on. They say it's to bring attention to the forests.

Anyways, my public service is to provide you with the link to view the article, but I WARN YOU, there are NSFW work images in the article of the from behind action from the concert as it happened.

Naked pics aside, I find it amusing that two folks think the best way to bring awareness to the problem is lots o' sex.


Remember 2 Live Crew? This has been done before...although, I don't think those guys were saving any rain forests. Just gettin' it on wit some hoes.

I can't get that link to work either... >_< Hey, I want to read the article!


keep your strippers out of my American football
banner was raised on stage informing the audience that the couple was having sex to save the rainforest.

Just how is having sex going to save the rainforest? I could see if you were in Brazil having sex in the way of a Bulldozer, but have sex onstage is going to have an effect?


I too wondered how this was saving anything...but if you do a search for her name or "Fuck For Forest", you'll get an idea of what they're doing.
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