Lost my tv... (potentially dvd player, gamecube & vcr). I almost got shocked.. when I tried to plug in power bar a 4" arch shot from the outlet to the bar.
Story behind it..
The new house we moved into needed it's electrical reworked because it wasn't certified with the city. The vendor paid for that.. fine.. done. Today, my fiance woke up, went down stairs to watch some tv. In her attempt to turn it on, the screen went black and it started making a huming noise. I tried it in another outlet and sure enough it was dead. I cursed the tv. One thing I remembered though, RCAs may not be the best in picture, but they usually last a really long time (and this one was only 3yrs old). Jessica (my fiancee) already had the powerbar disconnected (dvd/gc/vcr were in that and I think they're ok). Of course when I tried to plug it in it lit up with the huge arc. I went downstairs to check the breakers.. strangely the livingroom didn't trip. I turned it off just to be safe.
So I was talking to Jessica on the phone and she remembered how there was a new screw pertruding from the side of the house in the place where we took an arched gateway down. Low and behold.. the arch was blocking the moisture from getting into the outlet box. When we removed it to install a new gate, the moisture was allowed access.
Nevermind the tv.. the house could have burnt down. This is one pissed man. I'm waiting for a call back from my lawyer.