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Futurama: The Game--It is good, and it is HARD.


This set of impressions isn't gonig to be even near as coherent, nor as deep as the Psi-Ops impressions, I should warn you that much.

First out the gate, the animation is top notch. The graphics are beautiful, and almost everything looks enough like the show to appease almost everyone. The sound is alright, with the soundtrack being some decent background beats...

But the voicework...Perfect.

Now, it may just be me, but the voicework and the cutscenes really make this game better than it should be.

"What, better than it should?"

Yes. To put it flatly, Futurama is mediocrity defined when it comes to gameplay. Fun and interesting with great level design (Especially Planet Express, with all the little details -- check out Bender's locker. :D) but the combination of an unmodifiable button layout, a dumbass camera, and some rather inconsistent jump/grab bits drag the title down.

But oh, the cutscenes.

Worth every penny of the $10 I spent on it.


Chili Con Carnage!
agreed, if you love futurama (why wouldnt you) its basically an unaired episode with some pretty average gameplay you have to get through in order to watch it.


Okay, got a little further. Level 1 is a basic gather mission (in Planet Express, nicely designed) with a couple of surprises (toaster, hint). Second is a level that could very well turn anyone off the game. The Sewers are filled with cheap deaths, but have some truly great battles in the vein of Smash TV.

But...once you get out of there...

Oh yeah.

Old New York is BEAUTIFUL for what you see. Just like you'd expect. So far, it's taking a lot of Fry's time (3 stages so far) but every level keeps getting better. As long as you expect old-school shooter type action with a little bit of platforming, you won't be turned off too much by the gameplay.

"Hey, robot hookers!"

The voiceacting is still great (although a little repetitive, but Fry's dumb so I can excuse it) but the cutscenes are just not there anymore. I was expecting a little more, but as you're alone...well, I'm not expecting huge soliloquies, just a little bit of an intro to the place I'm going. Maybe a funny little scene displaying the enemies doing something other than shooting at you.

So far, I'd give this title a 6.5-7 or so. At first, the gameplay is extremely broken, but once you get used to it...it becomes a sort of second nature. Sure, there's the unpolished edges here and there, but the combination of the presentation and the fun blasting gameplay is enough to keep most anyone (let alone a Futurama fanboy, who'll love this) happy.


Saint Cornelius said:
I can tell you what else is good and hard, Matlock.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
where'd you get this game for $10 from? i love futurama so i'd probably buy the game at that price

BuddyChrist bought it at the Circuit City clearance. I fired him off the $5 + tax + shipping + what I felt fair to give him in extra (plus I wanted to even out to a round number). TToB said he spotted a used copy for $15, so that may be an alternate route for you.
Actually this game is pretty medicore....

Although the level where u get the tommygun/lazer blaster was pretty fun.

but as a game, its kinda boring and uninspiring and not that fun.

But, the cutscenes, voicework, and the fact that its futurama tottally make up for it.

so I like the game, but only cause im a really big futurama fan.

OH, and i got this game for 4.99 =P


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
I snagged this in the CC sale too and can't get into it due to the framerate. I'm definitely not a framerate whore, but this thing makes me queasy it's so up and down.



I loved the Futurama game. It was so old school in design (shame Fox wouldn't let them go the point and click route), with stupidly hard platforming and some tough enemies. Plus voice work from almost everyone (not enough Zapp or Hermes :().


One of the best-executed story arcs in a video game.

Too bad you have to play through so many unispired levels to experience it.


robochimp said:
The interactive suicide booths were also a nice touch

Haha, yeah. When I first saw it, I was like "You've got to be kidding me."

Then I walked in, tossed in a quarter, and...BAM, dead.

It was kind of funny (and painfully obvious) at first, but you can't deny that all the little things in the game add up to make an experience that makes you kind of feel like you're really in the show.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
As others have said, while the gameplay is average, the story is great. The only level I couldn't stand was the Zoidberg one. I don't know why but it felt like the hit detection was a little off on that level.


Yeah the Zoidberg level had horrible collision detection, and you had to time it perfectly to get it done. Was a nice change of pace but very frustrating.


Fry's levels are done. Some of the bits were FRIGGIN' HARD, but it all wound up in a kickass romp down New New York's streets in a chicken-walker. Nice stuff, really.

One really good plot-pushin' cutscene later and you're in control of Bender.

As of now, I'm guessing that someone felt the need to blow the dust off of the Crash Bandicoot engine. :p


Haha...The plot is perfectly integrated, the script sharp, and the voice-acting well done. Even though there are some rough spots here and there in the game, I kept playing just to see the plot unfold...and I'm pleasantly satisfied.

The ending is the greatest ever...you just have to see it to believe it.
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