Victor Omega
Yes. Nolan's take on batman is overrated now (saying now before someone else does) but the reason for this thread is to not bathe in its near perfect beginning, climax and ending.
Instead, what are some other films series that have a similar sense of completion.
Complete as define here as in:
1. Satisfying closure.
2. Would not add or subtract.
Bonus: main character's story arc ends, but the film is left open ended as to give a sense of a livable world.
Double bonus: director has publicly express the series as completed.
They analogy I get from such a film series is walking in a museum and seeing my favorite Painter. You are in awe of its content, memorized by the characters/object.
Sadly today, I feel it's hard to find films like this. If it is not countless sequels it is then remakes.
Tell me some great films that give a sense of completion.
Instead, what are some other films series that have a similar sense of completion.
Complete as define here as in:
1. Satisfying closure.
2. Would not add or subtract.
Bonus: main character's story arc ends, but the film is left open ended as to give a sense of a livable world.
Double bonus: director has publicly express the series as completed.
They analogy I get from such a film series is walking in a museum and seeing my favorite Painter. You are in awe of its content, memorized by the characters/object.
Sadly today, I feel it's hard to find films like this. If it is not countless sequels it is then remakes.
Tell me some great films that give a sense of completion.