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GAF Nights - Play Games with Fellow GAFfers - GAF Game Night Schedules

The Jer

I thought it'd be nice to have a quick reference thread so people could know what scheduled GAF meet-ups occur when. That way people could quickly see what games GAFfers are playing and when. I also thought it'd be nice to generate some interest in gaming with the folks you talk about gaming with. I'm posting this in the online section, rather than on the main page, so I'm not sure how well the latter will be achieved since I'm under the impression the only threads that get attention happen to be in the main gaming section.

This is for all platforms. PC, 360, PS3, X-Box, DS, PS2, Wii, etc.
Whatever people use to get online and play games with.

I'll list the games in alphabetical order and try to keep the same format going throughout.
The games will be listed according to game, platform, and region (since not all games are cross-region).
The information will include the game, region, time(s) of meeting (PST followed by GMT), and brief information on how the meet-ups are organized. The meet-up information will be brief and will probably include link to another thread where you can get more detailed information for that particular game.

Many of these schedules are tentative or "casual," so that GAFfers are just getting together play for fun and do not require one to show up every time. Just drop by whenever you feel like having fun playing a game!
However, please visit the official threads for specific details on the meet-ups.

I'll continue to edit the OP so that all the information can quickly be found in one post on the first page. Hopefully this list will grow as more online-centric games are released, as the number of GAFfers grows, and as GAFfers interest in online gaming grows.

Please let me know what games have scheduled meet-ups, either by posting in this thread or by PMing me. Please provide me with info on the games so I can keep this list up to date with information.


Motorstorm PS3 (NA)

Wednesdays 6 pm PST / Thursdays 2am GMT

Someone creates a room with GAF in the name. See official thread for details:
Official Motorstorm Thread

Resistance: Fall of Man PS3 (Worldwide)

Tuesdays 6pm PST / Wednesdays 2am GMT
Saturdays 6pm PST / Sundays 2 am GMT
Fridays 6pm PST / Saturdays 2 am GMT
Sundays 6pm PST / Mondays 2 am GMT

Please visit the official thread for details:
Resistance Fall of Man - The Official Thread


Please let me know what games have scheduled meet-ups, either by posting in this thread or by PMing me. Please provide me with info on the games so I can keep this list up to date with information.


Major Edits:
- Changed Resistance from NA to Worldwide

The Jer

Please let me know of any other scheduled game nights that are currently in existence.

I quickly glanced over the Gears of War Thread and didn't see anything about a regularly scheduled night. I figured there would be some interest on that front; let me know if I missed something.

I know alot of GAFfers play Counter Strike. I wasn't sure if there was any interest in a "CS night" or even a "source night" or if something already exists and I just missed it.

Anyways, let me know what's missing.
I'm down to play some source, I got Day of Defeat and Counter-Strike:Source

I got to go right now but maybe later tonight we could get a game going.
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