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GAF, tell me, Have I just fianaly cought a break?

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Ok, let me fill you guys in a little, I live in Canada I'm 19, I work at a shit ass store (Superstore, EVIL EVIL company) and work a shitty job (janitor). I a while back posted a topic about hating my job and it was about me being suspended, and I was mad because the day I got suspended was this one day I was going to ask out this girl that also worked there that I liked (I was going to ask her, because a while erlier she had told me her and her bf broke up). Than when I fianaly saw here again a couple weeks later, I asked her out, and she told me her and her bf had gotten back together. I was a little dissapointed, but it was cool.

And BTW, I have fianaly gotten a new job at a fast food place, A&W (not sure if you all have heard of it, talked to many people in the US who havent) but anyway, the new job pays less and I wont get as many hours a week as I do at Superstore (not right away at least), but DAMN if it isnt a better job with better managment. I have restricted my hours of availability at Superstore to 2 shifts a weekm and the rest will be open to work at A&W.

Now let me point out, I suck at talking to girls, that could be in part because I have never had a gf :( But I am a LOT better at it than I was a year ago, And I feel I am getting better all the time.

Now, there were a couple more girls there I also was considering asking out. one girl worked in the Garden center, and the other in Beauty.

The girlfrom beauty I don't know that well, I had talked to her a little in the past, but not too much, didnt actualy know her name till a couple weeks ago, but I started to kind of like her when we talked for a while on break and she actualy showed an intrest in what I was saying, she seemed to care, and was asking me questionns about what I plan to take when I go back to shcool. And she was telling me her plans, so since than I have made more of an effort to talk to her. But still I dont know her as well as the other girl.

The one from the garden center I have known longer, and had talked to more. We get along well, and in the last coulple weeks I have been thinking why the hell not, I should ask her out. But there was a couple thing I was concernd about with her, I know she smokes, and well I don't. Also she skokes pot I think, and again, I don't. But she IS still a nice girl who seems to like me, and she is cute, so...

I was going to do it last week on Saturday, we were both on till 5, and I was planing on asking her out at the end of our shifts. But I figured it would be a good idea to talk to her a bit first, so I happend to see her before 5, and we talked a bit, saw her in the back a couple minutes later and we talked more. I walked with her to the fron of the store at 5, and she stoped to talk to another girl from her department who had just started. Not wanting to look like a moron, I continued walking (didnt want to LOOK like I was hanging around her). I got to the front, signed out, than I talked to someone for a minute while I waited to see her sign out. Than I wrapped up my convo with the other person and started to head upstairs (staff area), I talked with her more at this point. But slightly erlier my manager asked me to see him for a sec at the end of my shift. So I plyed it like I was up there for that reason, but also said I wasnt in a rush to talk to him. I talked a bit with her, and than as she as heading to the stairs. I pussied out and didnt ask her. (what a sorry exibition it was).

So I saw here again on Tuesday, I couldent stop thinking about what an ass she must have though I was. Cause while I have talked to her many times before, I have never spent that much time at it. So i have a feeling she may have thought SOMEthing was up. Than again maybe not. But anyway i talked to her a bit on Tuesday, but didnt ask. But today I was thinking on trying again. But while there I talked to another freind of mine in the back, and just mentioned to him I was thinking about asking ehr out. He than told me he has heard she has a bf, so this is something I never knew of for sure, so I decided to leave it. It also helped I still was considering asking the other girl out from Beauty.

It also helped that another guy from my department told me today that he knew for a fact that this girl didnt have a bf, which was cool.

I was off at 5 today, and wouldent you know it, she started at 5 and was on till 10. And while I could have just walked up right after work and said, "hey wanna do something tommorow?" I realized this was a very stupid idea. because 1. the store was really busy, and 2. I was wearing my work uniform (green coveralls). And I wanted to make a better impression, and being busy, didnt want to be rushed either (I would have been because of how busy the store was).

Anyway, I came home, and realized that since this is my last full week at my job I wont see this girl as much, and I felt compeld to ask her out. So I waited a few hours, partialy the time was spent trying to work up the courage, and trying to decide if it was a good idea. Fianaly I decided to go for it. Figure I had nothing to loose. So I went in at just after 9). I knew the store would be almost dead by than, and that she would be alone in her department. (I knew that because the other shift in her dpeartment gets off at 9. So I though this would be a good opportunity to talk to her. I even had a good excuse to be there, I needed to buy hair gell, and she is the Beauty girl which takes care of all that kind of thing.

So at about 9:25 or something I go in, I casualy walk in and find her in her department, and say hi, and we start talking, I learn a lot more about her, like that she's religious, and pretty in to being religious (which is cool by me, I used to be, even told her that). We taked about various things.We talked a while, but than another guy who works there came by because he needed her help in the back for a minute, so I walked off for a bit, went and chatted with a freind of mine. Thna after a bit I headed back to see if she was back, and when I found her we continued talking. After a while I asking her what she was doing tommorow after work. And was trying to find a good was to ask if she would like to maybe do something. By this point it was almost 10, and I still hadnt asked, but it was partialy because I was enjoying talking to her and didn't want to rush anything. I walked with her as she was leaving the store, Relaizing I didnt have much time left I was about to ask her, and than, she asked me, "do you have MSN?" and I said yeah, and she asked for my name, I got ahold of a piece of paper and she gave me her's as well. SHe said she should be on tommorow. And than she left.

Overall I am glad I didnt rush anything while talking to her, and I think this is a pretty good thing. Oh, and before anyone asks, yes this girl is hot/cute. And i really hope I have a chance with her. I kinda think I do, because all while we were talking she seemed genuianly intrested in what i was saying and I was whith her too.

So anyway, I suspose I am partialy posting this because I am pretty happy, and also becuase I want to ask you guys. Am I on the right track? Do you guys think this girl kinda likes me? Or am I misreading the situaion?

Man that twas a long post, but I am pretty happy right now.

~Black Deatha
If she disliked you, she definitely wouldn't have asked you for your MSN screenname. If she wants to talk to you on her own time away from work that can only be a positive. Personally, I really like using instant messaging to get to know people. I'm shy around new people, but mostly for the lack of having anything to say. Talking online helps me get over the hump I guess.

Anyway, good luck.
Alex Anderson said:
If she disliked you, she definitely wouldn't have asked you for your MSN screenname. If she wants to talk to you on her own time away from work that can only be a positive. Personally, I really like using instant messaging to get to know people. I'm shy around new people, but mostly for the lack of having anything to say. Talking online helps me get over the hump I guess.

Anyway, good luck.

Thanks man, and I thought the same thing, I know that she at least lies me, but I hope she is open to maybe going out as well, not just being freinds. I added her MSN, and the only thing I didnbt like, but this probably doesnt mean anything is, she set her status in her MSN profile to Single- Not looking...

Could be old... I hope :)

~Black Deatha


*still counting all the times the word "talking" shows up in there*

Also, "chickened out, didn't ask her, etc"

:p, I kid because I usually do the same thing. I don't have much purpose really in this thread. Have fun at work. Hail to the Wohnata!
Think it was from Cruel Intentions but dating through the internet is for "geeks and losers"(or something like that).

And really I agree with that assessment. Talk to her on MSN and get her phone number, say it is much more personal than IMing...then when you have her on the phone...ask her if she would like to do something sometime...something you both have a shared interest in...a sport, or some art or whatever. Then when she says yes and you have a blast together you come to this forum and thank me.

Got it?
It's funny you say that, because one thing she mentiond is she IS in to art, so I dunno exactly how I can use that to my advantage, but yeah.

And lol Miguel, what do you want from me, it was a LONG topic bound to have the same word a lot, and I actualy said "pussied out" lol

~Black Deatha


The key I've learned: If she's acting friendly to you, it means you have to "advance." If you don't, the door will close forever.

But don't let that scare you.

It's a man's job to advance, so get going. :)

Advancing as in, holding hands. You've got a way to contact her so you're off to a great start.


So at A&W, do you actually pour extra grease on the burger? I've always wondered how they get them like that :)

I would have asked her if she was interested in doing something, but that's just me... from the security of behind my computer screen and happily married with no fear of rejection :)

I think the phone thing isn't a bad idea... not sure if I'd use the phrase "it's more personal" But what the hell do I know.. I've been out of these games for a long time. I agree that you have to "advance" at some point.

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