Poody, you have two issues. First, if it's a PDF file on the CD, someone can simply print out the solutions and photocopy it. Quite frankly, that's probably the preferred way of passing the information around. I don't think you have any chance to restrict copying of this information.
Second, I'm not sure that you have full intellectual property rights to what you are attempting to sell. If you are answering problems from another source, I'm pretty sure that you have to get permission from that other source to include the questions with your answers. Someone else on the board may have more insight into the legal aspects, but my gut feeling is that it's not kosher.
Finally, on a personal note, I think it kind of sucks that you'd try to sell the answers, although I can understand the need to get money. Considering that many people have probably helped you get through school to this point, sharing the knowledge that you've gained with other people who aren't at your level yet is the noble thing to do. If you absolutely HAVE to try to make money off this knowledge, why not go into business as a tutor instead so you can a) get paid for your time and b) actually help the student to learn to think, rather than simply parrot set answers?