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Any help is appreciated. Comments, writing, pictures, news, questions, whatever you think is useful and can be better. I know it sounds technical and complicated, but with just a bit of soldering skills anybody can solder 7 points!
Thanks to eol, xbox-scene and a lot of unknown people for the photos and diagrams.
This topic is Dragona approved, so before you start shouting "Pirates!" think again. Thanks.
18/02/2010 - SDL libraries released
18/02/2010 - OpenJazz360 released
Jazz Jackrabbit is a platform game produced by Epic MegaGames. The game features six episodes; each episode consists of three worlds, with two levels and a boss level. Jazz has a life bar; when enemies shoot or come in contact with him, he loses health that must be replenished by collecting carrots. If his health falls to zero, Jazz turns to ash and the level restarts from the last checkpoint. Also, instead of jumping on enemies Jazz must shoot his enemies with a blue gun he always carries. A variety of different bullet types can be found in the game and do varying amounts of damage.
What is this "exploit"?
Is basically a XELL (Xenon Linux Loader) wrote on the header of the nand that reboots the console with the newest dashboard and applies some patches while doing it, thus removing limitations of the kernel like using any HDD or launching homebrew (Unsigned .xex). This in conjunction with the jtag, that allows the modified nand to run, is the exploit.
Is it for beginners?
Yes. There is only one difficult step and that is soldering, but even with basic soldering skills you will be able to do it.
What are the prerequisites?
Dashboard equal or less than 7371; Manufacturing date earlier than 16/06/09 ; Lot 924.
For consoles that came back from the repair centre, the repair date has to be earlier than 16/06/09.
How do I know my Xbox dashboard version?
System configuration -> System Info ->"Dashboard:". If it is 2.0.7371.0 or lower you are in!
Which console version do I have?
Check the power connector on the console:
Would I be able to keep playing on LIVE?
NO. Your console will be banned for sure. This is why I recommend seeking out a second hand console just for this purpose.
Keyvault: Kind of like the console key.
Config: The console configuration like the network MAC and such.
Nand: Where the dashboard is stored.
J-tag: The hardware exploit. Makes the console ignore anything wrong with the nand, thus being able to launch the XBR (rebooter)
Tutorial with Xellous, the quickest method available to flash your nand!
Go to the wiki to check the full installation.
Or check a really good tutorial at Xbox-Scene
FTP Support. (Slow at moment)
List XBOX 360, XBOX Live, Application and Emulators, and launch them.
Support for artwork for each title, including boxart, screenshots and icon.
Use pc to download artwork to xbox either via usb drive or ftp.
Browse games by genre.
Favourite games support.
Fullscreen screenshot viewer.
Fully skinable.
Uses indexer to allow you to download artwork, and edit the metadata with
each game.
Customizable overscan so you can set the dash to display all its information
even when other launchers cant.
Source code released too.
- Gametitle extraction from NXEART if possible (toggle)
- Games with more than just one XEX will show up multiple times
* Embedded FTP Server to transfer your stuff directly from your computer
- Use xbox:xbox@ip:21
* Use FTP to read/write/delete your onboard flash
- Only user flash/flash is able to do that!
* Support for all found XEX files. Not just default.xex (toggle)
* Shows the content of any GAMES folder on any device
- Use GAMES, APPLICATIONS, EMULATORS for auto discovery menu on each device
* Switch between games/apps/emus in the discovery menu using RB/LB
* Auto scale skins for most resolutions (toggle)
* Different help screens for each menu
* Use DPad to switch between devices while browsing files
* Xbox1 compatibility partition support (if exists)
- Xbox1 partition known as "HddX"
* Alphanumeric listing for files
* No more XEX auto patching when copying DVDs
* Manual XEX patching for freeBOOT users
* Configuration menu
Menu Kiosk
Modification of one of the old Kiosk disc used to carry demos and with the old "blades" dashboard. Unfortunately the project is abandoned but the few images/videos around show that it was very promising for people that miss the old dashboard.
* Interface with tab system for navigate trough main function
* Listing of downloaded content (WIP...)
* FTP server
* Image viewer
* Text viewer
* Listing of extracted game :
1. Show icon of the game (manually extract with Y -> "Extraire l'icone")
2. Show preview of the game (manually extract with Y -> "Extraire preview")
3. Extract full HD picture of the game directly in Wallpaper folder (Y -> "Extraire l'image HD")
* File browser :
1. Dual browse view
2. Move/Copy/Delete/Create (Multi-selection like unleashX on the work eg. you press X, that select the current, and go to next entry)
3. File property (WIP...)
4. Extract of DVD with Y (WIP...)
5. Archives handling (tar, tar.gz, zip in extract/compress, rar in extract, WIP...)
6. Contextual menu handle all of this functionnality. You can also define a folder as a game folder by selecting "Definir comme dossier à scanner" in browser.
Unlocker of XBLA games. Useful to move your XBLA games to your second internet-less console. Also contains a XBLA and DLC collection database to know which games and DLC do you have exported on .csv files, list of ignored games and much more.
An utility to flash your nand directly from the console. Forget about having the nandumper installed after the first flash!
QuickBoot allows you to build "short cut" LIVE containers that will allow you to launch applications directly from NXE.
The three main advantages of this are:
* Saves time by loading the application directly, rather than having to use XexLoader to browse the file tree and find the executable.
* Bypasses the 4GB size limit on live containers as you're not actually storing the application data in the live container, merely making a shortcut to it.
* Allows you to load applications off of external hard drives etc. straight from NXE.
Sick of changing DVDs even when you have installed your games to the HDD?
NXE2GOD is an application for homebrew 360s that will convert NXE installed games to Games on Demand.
App to set the fans of the console at a fixed speed. Overheating problem? Fix the fans at 100% to avoid the dreaded 3RL!
libSDLx360 V0.01
SDL Library for Xbox 360 Consoles
I've had this code for quite some time but its good enough to release. This code is based off the original libSDLx code I wrote for the Xbox over 6 years ago.
The original DX8 audio/video calls were replaced by DX9 stuff and XAudio2 code to work with the Xbox 360.
This is just the source code to build the libraries. No binaries are included so its 100% legal!
Archive contains 3 folders:
- libSDLx360 contains main SDL project source code
- SDL_ttf360 is SDL TTF project source code
- SDLTest is a sample project showing a simple test of SDL
Basic SDL functionality is up. Graphics/audio/threads/filesystem/joysticks are all in and working nicely.
- Lots of optimizations
- Mouse/Keyboard/cdrom code is not written (yet)
- SDL Mixer doesnt exist (yet)
Any source code patches people have will be helpful. Im especially looking into DX9 rendering optimizations and improvements to the software blitter code. Thanks
Greets to the scene.
Download here