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Game ideas thread.. post yours.


First tragedy, then farce.
Before I begin this post let me say two things: this idea stemmed from my love of wrestling and most wrestling games missing the point.

I think think a wrestling game should be a sim of a fighting game, because that isnt what wrestling is. Wrestling is staged, guys like Matt Hardy who would be destroyed by Kane in real life, can win very close matches. Wrestling is about stories, booking good matches, and talented athletes getting the fans emotionally involved in something that they know is fake.

There should be a game where you start out as a small promoter who hires a few iffy wrestlers and puts on shows, and you try and build from there... it would work like franchise mode of a sports game.

Every wrestler would be rated in a ton of categories.. things like ability to sell a punch, rope work, ablity to blade, mic work, charisma, and would also how good they are at a particular move and what their move set is.

You would set the matches, the storyline, who has the belts, etc. (and tweak this from week to week). You would make the management and personel decisions.. do you pay for a couple of up and coming kids who could develop into real talent later, or grab a superstar from a competing promoter for the last years of his career?

Some basic ideas for the game:

you set who is in the match, how long it lasts, the type of match, how good both wrestlers look coming out of it (you could have a crush, a solid match on both sides, one where someone looks bad but wins, put over a young wrestler big time), you could decide if someone should cheat to win, and you should set how many stars the match is. You could make it a two star match, the fans wouldnt get into it very much, but it would be less risky..

each wrestler would have an overall effetivness rating with the crowd.. how over they are, how much heat or pop they generate (depending on heel of baby face).. so you could have someone like JBL who generates alot of heat but isnt over, or someone like Edge, who is over but doesnt generate much pop or heat. Booking a crush against a nobody wouldnt help them get over much, but might give them added heat. but booking them in loss after loss would eventually make them look weak to the fans (see Kane) as would booking them in a stupid storyline (see Kane).

which leads to the next thing, injuries. Say you book a TLC match, and make it a 5 star match.. it is much more likely that this match will result in an injury (and if you keep booking a guy in these kinds of matches, his overall health will deteriorate resulting in a short career, see Jeff Hardy). So, if you push a long running feud up until a big PPV match, and a guy gets a neck injury right before hand you could be screwed... or you could encourage him to fight in one more match before going under the knife. You could end his career in this match if the injury is bad enough, but if you cancel it you could lose a ton of money..

eventually you could work your way up to a major national touring group the size of the WWF or WCW (I think it would be more fun if there was allways another big contender, that way you could potentially lose big contracts to the other guys, or steal them), you could have secondary shows like Heat or Velocity... and you can put young guys under contract and develop them with older retired wrestlers wihtout ever putting them in the limelight until you think they are ready.

Maybe no-one else would play it, but I would love it.


Here's my idea:

You play as this totally awesome dude who can kill a whle platoon with his knife and your mission is to save the world from it's impending danger and anyway the moon was destroyed by the aliens from the original (remember, they where the ones who pretended to be the dogs) and a giant texas-sized chunk of the moon is flying off into outer space and everyone's pretty sure nothing bad will happen from that but that's not to say that the aliens aren't killing everyone to anyway they start blasting away our cities and that's how the first few levels are you know just killing aliens with your abs and knife and then BOOM there's a giant explosion in the sky and when the scientists from the original check in a telescope they see that the shoe-shaped chunk of the moon landed in a radioactive astroid belt and send you off on a mission to destroy it before it hits earth but while your flying up you get stopped by the giant alien mothership and you have this kickass fight with it and when aoll the dust is cleared the game ends with a to be continued screen because i wanted the game to have a really retarded ending and leech all the helpless sheep that buy this shit from all their money just like the great minds at bandia (.hack) eidos (soul reaver) and nintendo (golden sun) did before because we all know that consumers are idiots that will buy an unfinished game as long as it has a familiar company name attached to it and oh yeah i guess EA will have to publish it kthxbye


force push the doodoo rock
i had a topic like this and it failted. but heres that idea again

Well i was sitting in my room listening to hall and oates and was reading tre' splooge on about bioware and stuff on irc and then i had an epiphany.

They should make a musical adventure with hall and oates! Battling would be handled by singing (using the karaoke revolution engine) and the better you sing the better you dance and stuff. A high concept video games meets west side story meets 80s pop.

The story could be about a guy in new york whos in love with this girl, but shes currently with another man. The objective is to win her heart and save her from her abusive boyfriend. Of course there will be like your friends that will try to stop you from persuing this girl or your boss who is concerned about you not coming to work on time and stuff. You of course would have to "battle them" in order to get to your final destination. Things like cool clothes and hair cuts would up your stats to make your dancing and what not more convincing as well.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I would make a game that has a monkey in a ball, there is 2 main single player modes, puzzle and skill. Skill would be based soley round dexterity and puzzle would have all sorts of tricky shit, like sticky ball so you could go upside down and hit switches on the underside of the level.

I would call this game super monkey ball 3 : Banana crazy.

I hope to one day play this.


Phantasy Starfighter.

Based on the Phantasy Star universe, but with fighter ships, capital ships, floating colonies to defend; it's the next logical step to Phantasy Star. It can still retain its RPG elements (more actiony though), but it's time to REALLY take it to the stars, not this 'traverse from planet to planet in a cutscene' crap.



Yep, the cartoon. I'm waiting for someone to pick up the license and actually make a decent game out of it. Imagine playing as Lion-o and roaming across Third Earth and Thundera, meeting up with Panthro, Tygra, Cheetara, even Snarf; battling mutants and eventually Mumra. I suppose it could be done as an action-adventure or action-rpg. Actually, there's enough richness to the Thundercats world that it could be a straight up RPG. I wish Bioware could handle it; perhaps do something similar to KOTOR with it. Man that would rock.


Rainbox six style tactical rape sim set in a high school or something. " Alpha team, take the Level 3 classes. Go go go!!" It would so be million seller in Japan.


I want an old school arcade Capcom beat em' up based on Buffy! It could be 4 players. Buffy, Willow, Spike and Giles could be playable. Bosses could be like Adam, the Master, the trio and Caleb. Anya, Xander and Dawn could hand out power ups. It would be the best game EVER!!


Well, as long as people are doing ideas of already existing franchises...

A Zelda game set before Ocarina of Time where we could see the origins of Hyrule, and Ganondorf as a villain. You could even participate in the war which resulted in the formation of Hyrule, and witness firsthand Zelda 2's backstory (of why the story of Zelda is a legend).

Of course, there'd be improved gameplay as far as swordfighting goes, but I wont reveal all my ideas. :p


Wind Waker spoiler involved:

How about a dark and gloomy Zelda game that tells of
the fall of Hyrule
, with a ending like Episode III or V (Star Wars) where obviously good/peace/light are crushed, but ends with a hint that a hero/the light/justice will one day rise...


efralope said:
Wind Waker spoiler involved:

How about a dark and gloomy Zelda game that tells of
the fall of Hyrule
, with a ending like Episode III or V (Star Wars) where obviously good/peace/light are crushed, but ends with a hint that a hero/the light/justice will one day rise...

Yeah... I think that may be what Nintendo's going for here:



jamesb23 said:
Thundercats, Yep, the cartoon. I'm waiting for someone to pick up the license and actually make a decent game out of it. Imagine playing as Lion-o and roaming across Third Earth and Thundera, meeting up with Panthro, Tygra, Cheetara, even Snarf; battling mutants and eventually Mumra. I suppose it could be done as an action-adventure or action-rpg. Actually, there's enough richness to the Thundercats world that it could be a straight up RPG. I wish Bioware could handle it; perhaps do something similar to KOTOR with it. Man that would rock.

You rock. Let's pray together.


My old wishes

Morrowind style rpg based on Star Wars universe- I love Morrowind and I love Star Wars, I would kill for a chance to roam around in a huge Elder Scrolls sized SW world with those comfy wasd controls and whip out my saber for some real-time combat.

DBZ action rpg- God, the entire show revolves around overcoming evil and increasing ones power, when am I going to get to do this with my own saiyan warrior?

Deus ex style game set in current times- I don't literally mean hardcore scifi, but it would be a deep first person adventure/shooter where you are a special operative maybe right in Iraq investigating and helping wipe out the remaining rebel terrorists. I like the shooters that are out now based on stuff like this, but I'd really like to play a game based on what's going on there from a deeper perspective where I can make my own decisions and talk to characters on both sides and do all kinds of interesting sub objective just like Deus Ex.

Bloody GBA Shooter- There's probably some that I never heard of, but if there isn't I'd really like to see a super violent 2d scroller that's more gritty. Like maybe you play a cop or some vigilante and instead of typical gunplay, you can really do bloody headshots, later on get a shotgun or AK and blow off arms and legs, I haven't heard about any uber gory GBA titles, recommend me some if there is that I missed.

Fantasy Fiction FPS or Hexen update- I really want something that lets you take part in a huge mage style war, like what you always hear about in rpgs where they always mention that immense mage war that lasted for decades, I really want to play through an experience like that. As much as Square has always wanted to break into the action game market, they should give a FF shooter spinoff a try.


I had a idea when I was a a youngin' for a game. It was about a super strong rambo bunny commando who killed alot of shit Contra style, but with platforming elements.

Yeah, it sucked :(.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Render all the 2D classics in 3D w/ crazy lighting and unaffected gameplay.

User 406

Actually, there was one game idea I've always wanted to make since the stupid ninja craze got big in the 80's. It would be a beat-em-up called Cool Ninja. In it, your Cool Ninja walks to the right, while hordes of enemies attack. The gameplay would involve pressing a single button, which would cause Cool Ninja to instantly kill every enemy on the screen in some cool ninja-like fashion. If you didn't press the button and an enemy got close enough to hit you, your Cool Ninja would instantly ninja vanish in a puff of smoke and kill every enemy on the screen in some cool ninja-like fashion.

I've since come up with another game idea using the same engine called Daryl F. Gates' Police Quest*. In it, you control several dozen white police officers who walk to the right while a horde of enemies consisting of a single unarmed black man appears. If you press the button, all your officers beat the black man down and you win the game. If you don't press the button, your officers yell, "HE'S ON PCP!" and beat the black man down in self defense and you win the game.

* This was a real game title, sadly enough, which inspired this bitterly sarcastic game idea. :|


MaddenNFL64 said:
I had a idea when I was a a youngin' for a game. It was about a super strong rambo bunny commando who killed alot of shit Contra style, but with platforming elements.

Yeah, it sucked :(.

Jazz Jackrabbit? :p


You now belong to FMT.
A game like sims, but with real people .....

the game would be set up like a first person shooter, like ghost recon, but you can live life however you want... you can meet friends where ever , talk , fight with fists or weapons , look for chics , get a room lock the door with the girl and sit and talk, cyber-FHUTA... whatever... just one big environment created by the game developer, that would be great... especially with a whole bunch of people involved...


Unconfirmed Member
Here are some new ideas of mine.

1: Rythm Adventure game: Think Parrapa meets GTA meets Shenmue. The concept could be adapted to meet any kind of stlyle or genre choices, for this example I will use hip hop. The game takes the play from rythm genre stables like taiko, parrapa, DDR etc. and puts these into a context of a greater story mode that plays out episodically in a living world. In my concept you are a hip hop wannabe with big dreams. First you build your skills freestyling and bbox battling whoever you can convince on the street. Depending on your performance you build experience and skill points, as your talent increases so do the challenges of the rythms that the game expects you to meet (you must physically get better at the game as your character does); to impress with mad skill you will need to finish difficult rythm passages.

As you get better you book gigs, and do actual shows and start collecting a loyal fanbase. All to increase your star power. Side games involve designing t-shirts, your logo/name and other promotional materials. Recruite your crew to round out your act. Record "albums" (one chance challenge sessions) and track sales that influence overall popularity.

The story line in the game is part GTA in that you will start rivalries with other MCs/crews to protect your rep and that fanbase. The ultimate goal of the game is to become a superstar/eventually start a powerhouse label by developing high skill and a huge loyal fanbase.

(I chose hip hop because it lends itself well to battling and could have a wide range of rythm based encounters from bbox to ryhme to scratching and even some dance)


my idea was eventually made. basically. I wanted a game where you could take over the bodies of the enemies and adventure using their abilities.

Although i had imagined it as a serious METROID clone, Space Station Silicon Valley made the dream come true... and did a good job to boot.


Looking for Pants
Lets say I'm in possession of a technology that has never been fully used in a commercial video game before. The technology is a learning technology that can adapt in large numbers in a matter of minutes. What type of game would you guy come up with given that information and these flaws: Learning only works well with a large number of individuals.


I always thought a fun idea would be to make a mountain bike racing game. The twist being that you don't just hold a button down to go. What you gotta do is press the left analog trigger, then the right, then the left, back and forth. Get flustered, and you start to lose footing on the petals. You don't have to pump the triggers really hard, just keep it steady. At the same time you gotta steer yourself and all that junk.

And the stages would be complex, the paths will get rough, sometimes you'll have to ride through branches, at the same time riding with others. I think it could be fun.


Idea 1: The main character is a drug addict addicted to a new kind of drug. You play through his hallucinations as he tries to grip through his past flashbacks and halucinations. If you don't survive, in real life you'll go back to your old ways.

Idea 2
A hardcore Texas Holdem and otherwise gambling game with online play. In the actual game the computer players would have "clues" to if they were bluffing or not that you would have to pick up on. It would get progressively harder to pick up on this type of stuff (kind of like Punchout with Tyson blinks and such)

Idea 3: Vague game
A third person action/simulation game where the world is fully interactive. Challenges are around every corner.

-No start up screen, immediatly booted your character is in the game world at last saved spot.
-No Hud. Everything is intuitive enough by only using a couple of buttons.
-The world is specifically designed to avoid camera trouble, but there would be fully controlable camera stick
-the game would have a psycodelic look with neon colors galore
-still thinking about this one.


Looking for Pants
DrLazy said:
Idea 3: Vague game
A third person action/simulation game where the world is fully interactive. Challenges are around every corner.

-No start up screen, immediatly booted your character is in the game world at last saved spot.
-No Hud. Everything is intuitive enough by only using a couple of buttons.
-The world is specifically designed to avoid camera trouble, but there would be fully controlable camera stick
-the game would have a psycodelic look with neon colors galore
-still thinking about this one.

The problem with this idea is that any idea like that can't even be done now.


Same as always, and I don't care if someone steals the idea, because I want them to actually be MADE...

- World's Strongest Man

- Lumberjack Olympics.

Steal the gameplay from the old EPYX Games titles (Summer, Winter, California Games, etc) and give them decent graphics, and slate them for the $19 bargain bin. They'd sell like crazy, I tell you.


Looking for Pants
DrLazy said:
What do you mean? Which part, the loading?

Mainly these three:
Challenges are around every corner.
-No Hud. Everything is intuitive enough by only using a couple of buttons.
-The world is specifically designed to avoid camera trouble, but there would be fully controlable camera stick

Animal Crossing is probably as close as commercial games have gotten.


Kind of the reverse of what Sto0gE said.

Either a deep fighter or an action/adventure title with the fun and fluidity of a WWF No Mercy for the N64.




And maybe a real side scrolling RPG-no "top down/3D map, 2D battles" or "confined to one small area" type of deal-I mean party members, five or six continents, and a fully fleshed out battle system built around platforming


- Open-sourced public working* version of Trespasser (* "working means 'works' and 'fun' as in 'does not suck'). Basically a game with complete physics and interaction. Something like "Second Life" only with manual in-game manipulation instead of off-line code. In such a game, you should theoretically be able to build a bow and arrow out of raw materials, or turn a curtain into rope, etc. Yeah, it's a pipe dream....

- GTA + Street Figher + Mech Warrior... living breathing city environment, fighting-game mechanics and character depth/multiplayer competition, and highly customizable characters (both in terms of gameplay and visually). An RPG progression is okay, but I could do without it.


This is an idea I had years ago, and its sorta come to light now with winback and kill.switch.

Ive always wanted a FPS with a "cover" button. The idea would be to hit the button and it locks your body and view onto a corner, barrel, collumn, hostage whatever, it would be context sensitive( I think thats the word). You could actually just replace duck with it, if there were something to duck under, you would simply lock on to it and move under, keeping your head and gun out for combat. I guess it would be like an automatic lean, you could still move, but when your body leaves the cover you resume your normal upright stance.

This probably makes no sense, its hard to word, but its still something no one has done, and could really add to a FPS's combat.


Unconfirmed Member
There was another idea that I posted in an old thread like this but I am writing a design doc now so no one gets to see it again for a while :p

here are two ideas involviong existing IPs (both zelda).

1:Soul Calibur clone in the Zelda universe: (I want it cell shaded but it doesn't matter.) Wind Waker's final battle (and link's inclusion in SCII) instantly gave me the idea for this;). Zelda's combat is actually similar to SC in that you are basically always "z-targeting" in soul calibur. The game would feature two attack buttons (verticle and horizontal) and an "item" button. Before each round you select one item from the zelda universe (hookshot, boomerang, wand, rocks feather) each item modifies the characters move sets by combining with other attack buttons for special moves, for instance: you you selected the ice wand; vert+item makes an attack where Link stuns them with the rod then slices vertically, if you had selected the bow and arrow the same combo would make link stab with the arrow then fire it off. Each character could have specific items in their move set, but the additional item selection helps it blend with the universe and provides a means to customize your game against specific opponents.

2:WindWaker spinoff featuring Tetra: Nintendo has already brought zelda back into the "realistic" realm. But I hunger for more cel shaded adventures. In this game the main character is Tetra. Link was called away on some mysterious business and Tetra is thirsty for some high seas adventures. Action is a combination of Zelda fight mechanics and dungeon crawling combined with Pirate activities like assembling a crew and invading/boarding moblin pirate ships to recover stolen treasures. Tetra would encounter new friends and the game would rely heavily on the buddy dynamics found in late WW dungeons and MM. These sections could even be co-operative with a second player. After the initial portion of the game in a small ship you would gain a pirate ship which would automatically ferry you to island locations (to save on sail strain) but you could always launch your small boat to venture into smaller coves and inlets. :)

Where you get to trawl message board

wipe snot on controllers on DEMO machines

steal games

buy games

invest in companies

be a fanboy

work at any number of game shops (all parodied of course)

push magazine racks


I am so afraid of ideas getting stolen. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you...r ideas.


I'll use the Nintendo DS as the medium for this game.

After title screen, New Game, a black screen. The black screen reads: Hello. Press a button, the Black screen repeats: Hello. You must say hello into the mic.

The game starts

You find your character, a preteen boy laying in a large grassy front lawn. You walk towards a house nearby. The people there are friendly, they feed you, your character notices familiar objects in their house. The game world looks surreal, almost impressionistic with slurred colors and soft shapes. (when)You leave the house, walking away from the hosue. Suddenly everything changes and you find yourself(character) barely clothed in a tattered gown on the middle partisan of a busy street. Cars are honking at you as they race by. There are fast food restaraunts, general stores and trailer parks. The setting is realistic and the graphics are realistic. (End first part)

The game setup is this. You start off with very few memories of how you got here(cliche get). You can travel between two worlds, the surreal world you first find and the actual real world that we live in. Your character has two powers: the ability to teleport between these two realities and telekinesis. On the DS the top screen is the game world, on the bottom screen is basic geometric abstractions of objects in the real world. By touching the shapes on the bottom screen you move objects in the top screen's game world. The trick is that your characters power is directly linked to a sense of peace. If you use your powers to kill you will be hurt and your powers lessened. The object is to obstruct enemies attacking you without killing them. You avoid, obstruct or trap enemies in order to progress past them.

Eventually you learn you were part of a set of psychological expirements taking place in a Troubled Youth hospital. You and a girl you met there tried to escape. She was caputred but you managed it out somehow, but you don't know how. You are trying to get back to the hospital to get her and end the expirements. The secret area of the hospital where the tests take place is in the surreal world. The physical building exists in the real world. You progress inbetween the two worlds by learning and remembering more till you can find the hopital and get back in.

The idea behind the game is a mature non-violent game. The story and subject matter will be mature, but the character will rely on non-violent methods to advance in the game. I also thought that after you beat the game, the roles switch so you wake up as the girl and the boy got left behind.

The other game idea.

It's a RPG with shooter-type space battles. When you travel through space, you travel as a group of ships. You encounter enemies and battles ensue in real time. I guess I could relate this to Tales of Symphonia with ships. You control your main ship and the others use a combination of A.I. and shortcut commands. I would use more shortcut commands than ToS though. Battles would be in a 3d space enviroment. Also, your wardrobe and clothes affect gameplay in ways other than defensive stats. If you want to get into a certain seedy bar you have to look like you belong there. Your clothes build your reputation as you want to be known. You can eventually gaint he ability to make clothes from a set tiles sort of way. Also, you can buy new ships and upgrade them. There will also be ground battles with just party members sans ship.

Story idea is: Main two characters are a young man and his girlfriend who is pregnant. They run a small space mineral farm. One time while out in their ship the farm is attacked by the ruling Empire for "tax reasons" The two crash land on a small asteroid where they meet an old man. Old man turns out to be a space pirate and the man and pregnant woman become space pirates as well. Yeehaw! This space unvierse though is devoid of whole planets. Most of the worlds exist as smaller floating fragments or asteroids. Eventually the male character learns he is the descandent of the man who created the disaster that tore the planets apart. His unborn child is to be the prodigy who is to find the links that will return the planets to their whole state. Voila.


Stooge...so technically, EWR where you can actually see the matches? Sounds good.

I'm looking for a completely off the wall wrestling title. I want crazy spinning body slams, cartoony graphics...basically, Sega Wrestling Slam. Include El Diablo, make it based on a huge turf war between Mexican and American wrestlers. Get in someone like Mick Foley to play an Evil GM...

My crazy part of the idea is, of course, that the Story Mode of the title takes on the role of a big Mystery. Yes, I said Mystery. Outside of the ring, El Diablo and two other Mexican wrestlers work to unravel the mysterious disappearance of some rising stars, and Diablo's biggest rival, after the invasion of American financial interests and talent. Work to figure out what Mexican superstars may be getting some money under the table to halt their investigation, and keep track of important clues gained during matches, etc.

Gameplay wise, I'd use what I call the "Crowd Support Meter". It would work differently for heels and faces. For instance, if El Diablo (A Hardcore Face) is wrestling in Mexico, so the crowd will want to see some Face actions. They'll want signature moves, high impact moves and won't want to see Low Blows, Eye Rakes or Chair Shots from their hero. However, Mick Foley would be booed for being American, and would thus use such tactics, and not try to pump up the crowd using high-profile moves constantly.

However, if the venue switches back to the States, where the Mexicans have been portrayed as the invaders, you might find yourself to need to USE such heel tactics to get reaction from the crowd, and thus build up specials.
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