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Gamers and Their Avatars -- Photography Exhibit


Virtual people are to step offline and reveal themselves in a "real-life" photography exhibition.

The Alter Ego display shows what kind of virtual characters people choose to be in online games and 3D worlds.

The exhibition, the first of its kind in the UK, will show how people play with identities in online environments.


These kinds of virtual environments are very often used as a way of expressing a different side of personalities, or escaping the social constraints of real life.

Some of Mr Cooper's photos show how some almost self-consciously construct something that is completely opposite.

One woman he photographed is a full-time mother with two young children. Chalmaine looks just like any other busy parent. Online, her life could not be more different.

"She plays Jova Song, this character that hardly has any, or few, clothes on. She was playing a second life in a 3D chatroom where the competitive element has been removed.

"They have photoshoots for avatars and that go in a games magazine. Her avatar was the first centrefold for the magazine."



Tag of Excellence
I try to make my online avatars look like myself as much as possible. My friends call me lazy and unimaginative with the games, hee hee.


Banstick Emeritus
ManaByte said:

How the FUCK is Driv3r an online game w/ "avatars"?
It's a UK exhibition - you think they wouldn't find a way to shoehorn that POS in there? If Tomb Raider doesn't make an appearance as well, I'll eat my hat.

Hail Britannia!
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