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Gamers confess their sins at grouphug.us


For good times, go to grouphug.us and search for either "playstation," "gamecube," or "xbox."

i have a sick obsesion with video games. i dream about video games. when i school i day dream about whats might be going on in my animal crossing town. when i go to the movies ill only go to one with a good video arcade, even of im not going to play them. ill some times skip school or whatever just to beat one level in what ever game im playing at that time. and to top it off, the main reason i havent ask this girl i really like out is because she doesnt like video games to much, and she doesnt have a gamecube. i know its sick and wrong, but i cant help it.

When my wife was in surgery, they made her remove all her jewelry. I took her engagment ring to a shady jeweler who swapped the 3ct diamond for a CZ. I sold the rock to him, and used the money to buy myself an xbox and a hooker. I gambled the rest away at Foxwoods.

When she came to, I was back in the waiting room. That was 3 years ago, and shes never suspected a thing.

I used to write reviews for Xbox games on a gaming website. I never played any of the games I reviewed though. Hell, I didn't even own the system.

i want to shove the ps2 version of silent hill 3 up konami's butt and see if the xbox version will come out the other end.

I would've used more Playstation quotes in this post, but, oddly enough, most of them are too perverse for a family site like GAF.


Banstick Emeritus
When my wife was in surgery, they made her remove all her jewelry. I took her engagment ring to a shady jeweler who swapped the 3ct diamond for a CZ. I sold the rock to him, and used the money to buy myself an xbox and a hooker. I gambled the rest away at Foxwoods.


"my life is so shitty right now..

im a 17 yr old girl, whos about ...50 pounds overweight
so naturally, i have no friends and no boys even look at me but im so horny, i masturbate so much

i hate my dad and my grandma

my dog just died, and i will never be an actress

maybe if i finally beat legend of zelda, my life will get better"

Sounds like a plan. :lol


This one has three mass-market franchises for the price of one.

I'm so sick of my friend, he talks only about those damn harry potter books and movies. they arent that good, ive read them all, over and over, and he comes up to me and starts talkin about how good the new movie is or some stupid shit. im personally ready to just go ahead and hit him in the head with a hammer and tell him its a fuckin book dumbass, it aint real, its not that great and the plot is the same in every book. piss of his gaurdians, find his way to the red-headed poor ppl, feel bad about them bein poor, go to school, get in trouble, fight the badguy and hope he doesnt return, even though he always does. what the fuck man, i told him that once and he just said that the plot for final fantasy (which i love more than he loves hp, but im not an ass about it, i dont push what i love onto others) is the same every time. IT ISNT the same damn thing over and over. the plot changes every game, the books dont, and im sure the people who make the ff series get paid more than those damn nerds that walk around sayin "hocus-fuckin-pocus", i saw my little sisters yearbook and in it was some FAT kid, with a marker drawn scar, glasses (it was unreal how geeky this kid looked) scarf, and a fake owl on his arm. If i had seen him that day, i would've beat the shit outta him. it pisses me off so much that people can take a few books and make them into such a large ordeal. its like those damn pokemon, it was okay when there were only 150(or 151) but when they get into the 4 digits, someone needs to stop. I was in the 5th grade when pokemon first came out, ive lived with this shit, not these geeky little 5th graders now that have every fuckin card/game/poster/hentai/every piece of collectors item and EVERYTHING, its a fuckin scam.


Prospero said:
When my wife was in surgery, they made her remove all her jewelry. I took her engagment ring to a shady jeweler who swapped the 3ct diamond for a CZ. I sold the rock to him, and used the money to buy myself an xbox and a hooker. I gambled the rest away at Foxwoods.

When she came to, I was back in the waiting room. That was 3 years ago, and shes never suspected a thing.

That's fucking hysterical. And the most wrong thing ever.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
That diamond ring guy must obviously not believe in hell.


its not that great and the plot is the same in every book. piss of his gaurdians, find his way to the red-headed poor ppl, feel bad about them bein poor, go to school, get in trouble, fight the badguy and hope he doesnt return, even though he always does. what the fuck man, i told him that once and he just said that the plot for final fantasy (which i love more than he loves hp, but im not an ass about it, i dont push what i love onto others) is the same every time. IT ISNT the same damn thing over and over. the plot changes every game, the books dont, and im sure the people who make the ff series get paid more than those damn nerds that walk around sayin "hocus-fuckin-pocus",

lol the denial


"maybe if i finally beat legend of zelda, my life will get better"
Either she hates the game, or she's never beaten a game before. I'm never happier when I've finished a Zelda game. I'm like, "Okay, now what games can distract me for the next couple years while I wait for Zelda?"
i typed in "Naruto" as a search and I got this hilarious story"

"once i was watching anime with my gf. Then we started to go at it. I pulled out naruto style and used my "blow load in eye no jitsu". Well, needless to say, we are no longer "going out" according to her, but luckily i have my naruto skillz so i can be a ninja and watch her without getting noticed."

LOL at Blow load in eye no jitsu
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