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Gawker: Now Peter Thiel’s Lawyer Wants to Silence Reporting on Trump’s Hair

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Last week, Thiel’s lawyer-for-hire, Charles J. Harder, sent Gawker a letter on behalf of Ivari International’s owner and namesake, Edward Ivari, in which Harder claims that Feinberg’s story was “false and defamatory,” invaded Ivari’s privacy, intentionally inflicted emotional distress, and committed “tortious interference” with Ivari’s business relations. Harder enumerates 19 different purportedly defamatory statements—almost all of which were drawn from several publicly available lawsuits filed against Ivari.


[We specifically demand that Gawker Media and its employees] immediately provide us with the name and all contact information for the unnamed “tipster” of the Story, so that we can serve that person with an immediate cease and desist letter to stop the spread of the false Story.


These claims are, on their face, ridiculous. For instance, one of the “defamatory” statements Gawker published, according to Harder, is this: “What’s more, Ivari’s New York location is inside Trump Tower—on the private floor reserved for Donald Trump’s own office.”


The second set of “defamatory” statements, Harder claims, were “taken from a lawsuit filed against Mr. Ivari by Alicia Roach”—that is, an official judicial proceeding, the publication of which is protected by New York State’s fair report privilege


Ordinarily, we would publish the entirety of Harder’s letter, so readers can judge its merits themselves. (Gawker Media’s response can be read here.) But Harder claims, on the fifth page, that the document is “protected by applicable Copyright law and therefore may not be copied, published, disseminated or used by any person or for any purpose, other than internally at your company and its outside legal representatives.”

Gawker ended up posting the letter from Harder which is embedded in the article. They also go on to explain how Harder is involved in a lawsuit where the plaintiff is suing a blog.

Mods feel free to lock or merge into the larger Gawker/Hogan thread.



Here's what I said in that thread:
Yeah, this is looking to be the new playbook.

Billionaires assist in up to dozens of multi-million dollar court cases and fight them in districts that don't reward legal fee recompense in the event that the billionaire backed suit fails.

Sure fire way of killing any site or paper that you disagree with.

It was trialed against Mother Jones and finally landed with success against Gawker.
Gawker does some shitty things and some brilliant things. But whatever you think of it, you shouldn't want a world where a rich guy can silence a media outlet because it made him mad.


get some go again
Gawker does some shitty things and some brilliant things. But whatever you think of it, you shouldn't want a world where a rich guy can silence a media outlet because it made him mad.
hope there can be some laws passed that helps stop this. conservatives might like this being done to liberal sites but the same thing can be done to a ton of conservatives sites as well by liberal millionaires and billionaires.
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