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GenAI trailer for live action Princess Mononoke


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

One of the best examples yet of taking a film concept and bringing into the world purely via generative AI tools.

It's a remake of the animated Princess Mononoke trailer, in live action. Side by side comparison:

At this point, nothing really wows me about generative AI output, mainly because of the lack of human effort in the process. I want humans to create art. But it's undeniable that it will be part of our future as it rapidly accelerates in usability.


Gold Member
What happens if Ai gets trained on Ai? Does it all become worthless?

We know that Animal horns don't wobble like in that clip but Ai doesn't so if it's just copying itself over and over it'll put out nothing but nonsense. It will always need humans making correct stuff to leach off of.
Saw that clip on LinkedIn and it looks like puke.
But this tech will obviously improve to the point where it will become a part of most, if not all, creatives' toolset.


Oh my! 🔥
That will be the future. While unions will be try to drag down the established studios - the way old guilds did - the new industry will rise driven by minimal human effort and more integration with AI. Especially when consumer grade hardware becomes more and more capable of producing things like that. Maybe one day people will be able to make their own movies based on the movies they just watched (like second movies etc.) just for themselves. You will have humans there - like you need to come up with the idea, perfect angles etc. - but it will be nowhere near limited to the "elite", who consider themselves smarter than peasants.


Gold Member
It's really only good because the OG trailer was EXCEPTIONAL.

And like the Lion King cg films, we really need a word for "photorealistic cgi" the lay public can use.

Also, the ai has been watching a little too much of this for thr mouth movements :p

I wonder if this is the death of "concept art" and "pitching Film ideas to Hollywood execs".
Instead of saying the idea of your next movie...(Lord of the Rings 80s Dark Fantasy) you just SHOW the AI trailer. Then the execs see the potential and green-light the project.

Look at Gollum and the Orcs I'm actually pretty impressed with the rendering. And that dragon at the end legitimately looks more terrifying than any dragon in LOTR/Game of Thrones! This trailer piques my interests more than that Amazon Rings Of Power series and how much did that cost to make 500 million?!?!


Gold Member
I wonder if this is the death of "concept art" and "pitching Film ideas to Hollywood execs".
Instead of saying the idea of your next movie...(Lord of the Rings 80s Dark Fantasy) you just SHOW the AI trailer. Then the execs see the potential and green-light the project.

Look at Gollum and the Orcs I'm actually pretty impressed with the rendering. And that dragon at the end legitimately looks more terrifying than any dragon in LOTR/Game of Thrones! This trailer piques my interests more than that Amazon Rings Of Power series and how much did that cost to make 500 million?!?!

I really liked this one too;



Gold Member
Having AI be able to flesh out story boards will certainly help. Even better if it 'learns' from the classic story telling texts and forces bad writers to adhere to the basic principles for telling a narrative, establishing character, and driving a plot. AI will probably help with continuity, adjusting script changes on the fly (changing a characters name and it changes everywhere, or maybe even helping flow when scenes are shuffled around and it can detect when key information wasn't placed where it should be).

AI will DEFINITELY be used for quick pick up shots or replacing an actors expression with another. Reduce the number of takes required for those mid level projects that can afford the tech but not the 50 takes necessary to get the "perfect scene". I bet we will even see a shift towards actors who are, for whatever reason, 'easier' for AI to replicate, either due to a distinct voice, mannerisms, or facial features that make them easier to fake without the audience seeing the flaws.

I bet there will be hundreds of folks paid to be "AI models" with their body, movements, and speech records and then used ad nausem as extras with no additional compensation to the human model. Basically the "Wilhelm scream" of the AI generation.


May I have a cookie?
Looks good, for an AI.
I know this is a cliche at this point but it's kind of surprising to me how within about a year or two I've gone from being amazed by this particular application of generative AI to being bored by how derivative the results are. There is something missing, and it may not even be something difficult to crack, but it's preventing this tech from living up to its potential.


As awesome as the visuals are, the voice "acting" and facial expressions were killing me. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Were getting ever so much closer to replacing most people from production from these products.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I wonder if this is the death of "concept art" and "pitching Film ideas to Hollywood execs".
Instead of saying the idea of your next movie...(Lord of the Rings 80s Dark Fantasy) you just SHOW the AI trailer. Then the execs see the potential and green-light the project.

Look at Gollum and the Orcs I'm actually pretty impressed with the rendering. And that dragon at the end legitimately looks more terrifying than any dragon in LOTR/Game of Thrones! This trailer piques my interests more than that Amazon Rings Of Power series and how much did that cost to make 500 million?!?!

Jack Black as Sam got me.


aka IMurRIVAL69
In short bursts, this tech shits all over traditional and super expensive Hollywood CGI. I wouldn’t wanna watch a full movie like this at this point, but used sparingly to replace CGI it will be very good and accessible to people on tiny budgets.

It wasn’t all that long ago that we were getting stuff like this in Hollywood blockbusters



Gold Member
Looks good. It can be better. The mouth movements look lousy.

But getting there. the LOTR clip Prefect posted above looks better than I though it would.

Just like mainstream news and media getting pushed aside by lots of everyday people entertaining people as streamers or following social media, at some point a lot of film and TV will sink. It wont go away. But as soon as the tools and people dedicated to using them can make snazzy half hour tv shows and 2 hour movies that are good enough, a lot of the media industry will tank. The really good stuff and actors will even do better IMO because they will use AI to make better stuff and license their likeness and voice for content. But all the ho hum stuff churned out by companies with costly employees will be forgotten while some clever people like Brad and Betty down the street figure out how to do awesome AI content. Remember, not everything in life has to be done costly professionals. If that was the case, people wouldnt give a shit what random nobodies posting on social media or tik tok.
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Gold Member
In short bursts, this tech shits all over traditional and super expensive Hollywood CGI. I wouldn’t wanna watch a full movie like this at this point, but used sparingly to replace CGI it will be very good and accessible to people on tiny budgets.

It wasn’t all that long ago that we were getting stuff like this in Hollywood blockbusters

There's got to be a goldmine out there for people using AI to do custom images and then selling the content. Add in a frame and backing and forget about expensive stuff handmade by an artist costing $500. Churn out some AI shit and sell it to consumers.
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