Thick Thighs Save Lives
NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire

Command your ghosts, demons, and beasts to overtake your living adversaries. Use their unique skills, develop their powers. Each of them offers something unique, so choose wisely.

Remember, the pesky Brotherhood is always near. Eliminating its members and stealing their secrets is dangerous but rewarding. Only one can emerge victorious.

A true Ghost Keeper seizes opportunities and makes fateful decisions. Test your wits and intelligence: can you plan, manage, and scare effectively to achieve your goals?

Enjoy the beautiful 19th-century English scenery and engaging, grotesque humor. Delve into the detailed visuals and experience the terrifying fun of scaring.

- Take control of ghosts, demons, and monsters, use their unique abilities to defeat your enemies.
- Fight malicious Brotherhood, show the world who is the ultimate keeper of fearful creatures.
- Exploit varied strategies, there is never only one path to victory - the way you lead is entirely up to you.
- Enjoy a truly grotesque approach, witness a host of bizarre situations narrated by the peculiar, malicious narrator.
- Marvel at the Victorian era setting, locations, style and atmosphere that’ll captivate you on each subsequent level.
- An ultimate scaring experience, remember that only through fear, you can claim a true power.