From day one Chi Chi, who was a great warrior herself before Gohan, was adamant in forcing Gohan to study instead of embracing Goku’s fighting culture. Eventually she would give up and then Gohan became a great warrior.
At the end of the Cell Games, Gohan had surpassed everyone and was poised to replace Goku as the main character in Dragonball Z.
This was deemed unacceptable by the fans and so the editors made Toriyama change Gohan during the production of the Buu saga, and thus Gohan became this.
A total laughingstock, influenced by the Ginyu force and Mr Satan, he pretends to be a superhero instead of training. But most of all, he becomes a simp.
Gohan marries into wealth, taking the easy way out, purposefully ignorant to the future threats to Earth. He has plenty of time to train but stops for close to a decade and let his dad and his buddies handle future threats.
As the years go on Gohan becomes less and less worthy of the title of Saiyan and doubles down on not being there to defend his planet and his family from threats to be a stay at home dad instead of train.
During the tournament of power Gohan continues to completely fail to defend his Universe as he refuses to even turn SSJ.
TLDR, if someone is born with gifts like Saiyan strength and there are world ending bad guys every other month that person has a social responsibility to train and be the best that they can be. Making Gohan a terrible character and a terrible father.
“Kakarot, Gohan should be a proud Saiyan warrior and stronger than both of us combined but he ain’t nothing but a simp ass little bitch”

This was deemed unacceptable by the fans and so the editors made Toriyama change Gohan during the production of the Buu saga, and thus Gohan became this.

A total laughingstock, influenced by the Ginyu force and Mr Satan, he pretends to be a superhero instead of training. But most of all, he becomes a simp.

Gohan marries into wealth, taking the easy way out, purposefully ignorant to the future threats to Earth. He has plenty of time to train but stops for close to a decade and let his dad and his buddies handle future threats.

As the years go on Gohan becomes less and less worthy of the title of Saiyan and doubles down on not being there to defend his planet and his family from threats to be a stay at home dad instead of train.

During the tournament of power Gohan continues to completely fail to defend his Universe as he refuses to even turn SSJ.

TLDR, if someone is born with gifts like Saiyan strength and there are world ending bad guys every other month that person has a social responsibility to train and be the best that they can be. Making Gohan a terrible character and a terrible father.

“Kakarot, Gohan should be a proud Saiyan warrior and stronger than both of us combined but he ain’t nothing but a simp ass little bitch”
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