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Going back to College

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I graduated with a degree in Business Admin: MIS from a good Big Ten school's business college a couple months ago and have been unsuccessful in finding a full time job. While I did fairly decent in school with my grades, and I have a lot of corporate experience in jobs, some even working in IT departments with systems, I can't seem to get hired, or find anything that would fit. So right now, i'm thinking of going back to school and maybe taking some computer science classes, or maybe even getting a computer science degree, so I can learn some more marketable skills.

Has anyone done this before? I'm unsure how to go about this. It's just a thought right now, (probably comming from the frustration of working crappy part time temp jobs.) I just am unsure what's a good way to go about this. Any help would be appreciated. Should I try to go back to my alma mater, or at least talk to them? Should I go to a JUCO or tech school? Or a school in the city (Chicago)? I'm just confused and frustrated in my job search.


Keep trying to find a job, it isn't an easy thing and its going to take awhile. Going back to school is always a good idea, but don't do it just because you can't find a job right away... Unless you have the funds to do so that won't financially screw you later on.


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Drey1082 said:
I graduated with a degree in Business Admin: MIS from a good Big Ten school's business college a couple months ago and have been unsuccessful in finding a full time job. While I did fairly decent in school with my grades, and I have a lot of corporate experience in jobs, some even working in IT departments with systems, I can't seem to get hired, or find anything that would fit.

I am in the same boat.....minus the big ten school part, but i Know EXACTLY what you are going through first hand, well for a little while before i lucked out and fell into an entertainment company, but I am doing no MIS what soever... I say go back if u can afford it and get a marketable skill MIS isnt really marketable with tech schools and Comp sci majors out there... I think u should teach yourself some good skills , web design and database stuff on your spare time and market yourself...
I am also from a big ten school, and have found jobs available, just not jobs I want.

There are lots more jobs becoming available, so dont give up necessasrily.. Each month there are about 200-300,000 more new hires for a few months running.. try to make yourself one of those people.. they expect that the 200,300-000 new jobs will continue for many months.

Going back to school cant hurt, maybe get your MBA in Chicago? Then you could also look for jobs in such a huge market, maybe go back to school at night in hopes of eventually getting that day job?


use your college's career services and get your resume polished and put your stuff on their system and start soem interviews

maybe your interviewing isnt up to par

learn about some companies u want to work for and also get some networking going


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I'm currently in the business program in a reputable university in Canada, and seeing as I haven't exactly gotten a summer job yet, I can sort of half-way relate with your problem. Getting a Comp Sci degree is definitely recommended as it's one of the fastest growing market out there right now, and with computers being more common in businesses, they will all need an IT for that. I guess I'll also just minor in Comp Sci and see what I can go from there.

PS: What's MIS ?


Management Information Systems (Sorta like Computer Science Light)

Hehe, currently I am a Comp Sci major but I've pretty much given up. Thinking about MIS or Accounting. Not sure what to do. Not sure what the job market will be like for those in a couple years. MIS is already sucking but will it stay that way? Bleh... I hate this crap. Stupid future.


in 1-2 years the market will back in full swing, and if u are interested in accounting, go for it

really guys, if u go to college and they have career services, use it ,they know whats going on and they talk to employers


Queen of Denmark


Graduated with MIS in 2003, and am 22 now. I have been working for the government and just landed a nice paying job with them. Life is great. Currently getting my MBA in MIS as well. My salary isn't setting the world on fire, but it is a very nice salary to have, considering the city I live in and my age. I already make more then both of my parents ever did combined...
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