Part 2:
Part 1:
A bit of back-story first; I have never thrown a party, ever, in my life, I have been to plenty, but never thrown one myself. So as I was approaching my twentieth birthday, I decided, why not, I am going to throw a party for myself (no one would ever throw me a surprise party). I start planning the party; I will have it the Saturday following my birthday, making it May 7th. The date is set, and I am ready to rock.
As the date approaches, I learn that this date is reserved for my cousins wedding, of which I also agreed to be an usher. So I do my ushering duties, get madly drunk, hit on the wedding planners, and go home alone at 4am (If you were on the Ave [University Avenue by UW in Seattle] that Saturday night you may have noticed me being loud and obnoxious in a tux, which I posted a pic from in the post pics of yourself thread]. I decided to put it off, until May 28th.
As May 28th is on the bend, I start inviting people. I want it a low-key party, as I am still living at my parents house, so I get twenty confirmed guests, and about ten maybes. I am happy with this, so I am about to start stocking up on booze, only to find that my cousin, after her wedding has tons of beer left, and unloads it on me. I have about one hundred and twenty assorted beers, cans and bottles, of all varieties. I have the booze, now I said I was going to barbeque also, so I bought some hamburger patties, and buns, and was set for the party.
The day before the party, I call up everybody to remind them about the party, confirming their commencement. Its a beautiful day in Seattle, a warm 85, not a cloud in the sky. I go home and clean my house up, and I am all ready for the party.

A bit of the beer and water (its hot out):

Chapter 2: the party that never was:
I told people to come around six for barbeque, anytime later for partying. Everyone wanted to go to the barbeque. I tidy up the house a bit more, make it look presentable; get some music bumping at around five to warm me up. I am listening to some RJD2 when I get a call from this girl. She says her sister is having a baby, and she cant make it. Doesnt seem so bad until I remembered she was driving three girls with her. 20 4 = 16.
I get another call from a different girl. She forgot she was going camping with her boyfriend. She was also bringing three girls. 16 4 = 12.
I get another call, sorry cant make it, same story blah blah blah. I am down to ten people, still good for a party? Right? What about the maybes? He was bringing 3 people; I guess we are down to 8. I am worrying now.
It is approaching 7 pm and no one has arrived. I have drunk three beers at this point, eating potato chips with French onion dip. Mind you I dont hold my liquor well, but there is still no one here to embarrass me. Bonus plus one
Two more people cancel, cant make it for whatever reason. At least these people are calling, thats all the credit they are getting though. I am worried this will be the lamest night of my life, so I start calling reserves. None of my reserves can make it, though I do have one maybe (a girl I asked out a while back that had a boyfriend named Kelsey [see another thread]). She sounds rather enthused, but doesnt have a car until late tonight, which is fine by me.
On of my friends shows up, we cook up a couple burgers, and down a few more beers.
Four more friends show up, and things are looking good. Mind you it is a sausage fest at this point, but the more the merrier I say either way. We eat some more burgers and drink more beer. One of my friends raids my liquor cabinet and makes white Russians. They are quite tasty.
It is approaching eight o clock, with no sign of anybody except these dudes:

We are bored, and have a dance off to some R Kelly and Snoop Dogg I win.
At this point I am approaching shit-faced drunk. I start drunk dialing, getting more cancellations or refusals. The one girl I talked about earlier is still waiting for a car, but sounds enthused.
As we get drunk, we collectively decide to leave and go to our friends cabana to go swimming. We go there, I get a call from the same girl, and she cant make it. We talk on the phone for a while, and wants to hang out tomorrow (today which I dont because of hangover + I have no idea what we talked about).
As we swim for a while, I decide to do a shallow dive and smash my face against the bottom of the pool. I feel my face pulsating, but no pain, just blood and sweat. I think a tooth was loose, maybe not, but I have a large scar on my nose and upper lip, extremely visible.
We all get out of the pool and drink beers in the sauna. I am never throwing a party ever again.
Part 1:
A bit of back-story first; I have never thrown a party, ever, in my life, I have been to plenty, but never thrown one myself. So as I was approaching my twentieth birthday, I decided, why not, I am going to throw a party for myself (no one would ever throw me a surprise party). I start planning the party; I will have it the Saturday following my birthday, making it May 7th. The date is set, and I am ready to rock.
As the date approaches, I learn that this date is reserved for my cousins wedding, of which I also agreed to be an usher. So I do my ushering duties, get madly drunk, hit on the wedding planners, and go home alone at 4am (If you were on the Ave [University Avenue by UW in Seattle] that Saturday night you may have noticed me being loud and obnoxious in a tux, which I posted a pic from in the post pics of yourself thread]. I decided to put it off, until May 28th.
As May 28th is on the bend, I start inviting people. I want it a low-key party, as I am still living at my parents house, so I get twenty confirmed guests, and about ten maybes. I am happy with this, so I am about to start stocking up on booze, only to find that my cousin, after her wedding has tons of beer left, and unloads it on me. I have about one hundred and twenty assorted beers, cans and bottles, of all varieties. I have the booze, now I said I was going to barbeque also, so I bought some hamburger patties, and buns, and was set for the party.
The day before the party, I call up everybody to remind them about the party, confirming their commencement. Its a beautiful day in Seattle, a warm 85, not a cloud in the sky. I go home and clean my house up, and I am all ready for the party.

A bit of the beer and water (its hot out):

Chapter 2: the party that never was:
I told people to come around six for barbeque, anytime later for partying. Everyone wanted to go to the barbeque. I tidy up the house a bit more, make it look presentable; get some music bumping at around five to warm me up. I am listening to some RJD2 when I get a call from this girl. She says her sister is having a baby, and she cant make it. Doesnt seem so bad until I remembered she was driving three girls with her. 20 4 = 16.
I get another call from a different girl. She forgot she was going camping with her boyfriend. She was also bringing three girls. 16 4 = 12.
I get another call, sorry cant make it, same story blah blah blah. I am down to ten people, still good for a party? Right? What about the maybes? He was bringing 3 people; I guess we are down to 8. I am worrying now.
It is approaching 7 pm and no one has arrived. I have drunk three beers at this point, eating potato chips with French onion dip. Mind you I dont hold my liquor well, but there is still no one here to embarrass me. Bonus plus one
Two more people cancel, cant make it for whatever reason. At least these people are calling, thats all the credit they are getting though. I am worried this will be the lamest night of my life, so I start calling reserves. None of my reserves can make it, though I do have one maybe (a girl I asked out a while back that had a boyfriend named Kelsey [see another thread]). She sounds rather enthused, but doesnt have a car until late tonight, which is fine by me.
On of my friends shows up, we cook up a couple burgers, and down a few more beers.
Four more friends show up, and things are looking good. Mind you it is a sausage fest at this point, but the more the merrier I say either way. We eat some more burgers and drink more beer. One of my friends raids my liquor cabinet and makes white Russians. They are quite tasty.
It is approaching eight o clock, with no sign of anybody except these dudes:

We are bored, and have a dance off to some R Kelly and Snoop Dogg I win.
At this point I am approaching shit-faced drunk. I start drunk dialing, getting more cancellations or refusals. The one girl I talked about earlier is still waiting for a car, but sounds enthused.
As we get drunk, we collectively decide to leave and go to our friends cabana to go swimming. We go there, I get a call from the same girl, and she cant make it. We talk on the phone for a while, and wants to hang out tomorrow (today which I dont because of hangover + I have no idea what we talked about).
As we swim for a while, I decide to do a shallow dive and smash my face against the bottom of the pool. I feel my face pulsating, but no pain, just blood and sweat. I think a tooth was loose, maybe not, but I have a large scar on my nose and upper lip, extremely visible.
We all get out of the pool and drink beers in the sauna. I am never throwing a party ever again.