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Got a job interview tomorrow, help me out

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Ok guys I have an interview tomorrow and a test, to replace the job that I lost last week. I need to ask a couple of questions. I was told to be professionally dressed, does that mean khakis and a polo/button down, or does that mean dress slacks and a button down, with a tie. If it's the latter I will need to go score a tie as I have never had much use for them. Also what would be the best way to explain why I left my last job? As I stated in my last post I was fired but not because of anything I feel was my fault. Anyhow thanks for the help and wish me luck.
Dress slacks with button down and tie. Explain on your firing that you never actually stopped doing your job, instead were told to move out of the way when it was quite clear that you would be done in less than a minute and the manager overreacted. The amount of time spent at your previous job with no prior complaints should override the one, ticky-tack complaint. Don't become defensive if they question you about it, though.


GAF's Bob Woodward
ShadowRed said:
Ok guys I have an interview tomorrow and a test, to replace the job that I lost last week. I need to ask a couple of questions. I was told to be professionally dressed, does that mean khakis and a polo/button down, or does that mean dress slacks and a button down, with a tie. If it's the latter I will need to go score a tie as I have never had much use for them. Also what would be the best way to explain why I left my last job? As I stated in my last post I was fired but not because of anything I feel was my fault. Anyhow thanks for the help and wish me luck.

You need a tie.

You could possibly explain your last job by saying something like......the commute was very long, and you were late once too often due to no fault of your own (if this is plausible? is public transport good/bad around your neck of the woods?), but there would be no difficulty getting in on time at this place (again, only think about this if the new place is closer to you than your old job). This doesn't reflect on the quality of your work, but rather circumstances beyond your control..if I think of any other explanations like that I'll let you know.


If they call your previous employer - and most places do - and find out you were fired, then you lose a lot of points. Even though it's rough, I'd suggest you be honest about that, and just try to explain what happened that shows you in the best light possible. Or give the most vague answer you can, I don't know.
Be HONEST. Do not lie at all, or even stretch the truth. If there's one thing I hated the most about recruiting, it was having a candidate tell me one thing, then later on in background checking, finding that claim to be utter bullshit. There's not a quicker way to be blacklisted.
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