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groups demand TV station pull Green Card game

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LOS ANGELES - Immigrant rights groups demanded Thursday that a local Spanish-language TV station cancel a "Fear Factor" type reality show that offers winners immigration counsel, alleging the show takes advantage of those desperate for a green card and a life in the United States.
The show features immigrants who compete in contests that have included gulping down live tequila worms, fending off vicious attack dogs and jumping between two speeding 18-wheelers.

Winners earn a year's worth of legal guidance toward a green card for legal residency. The show doesn't actually guarantee winners a U.S. residency card, but the introduction describes the six contestants battling for their final goal of the green card amid ominous images of barbed wire along the border and U.S. patrol helicopters.

Liberman said the contestants are all adults, and that with recent immigration raids, they face the risk of deportation by going to the supermarket.

The show, which has aired more than 20 episodes, is ranked No. 2 among 18- to 49-year-old Hispanic viewers, Liberman said.

Okay... This is just mean...


"Gana La Verde" is awesome! LOL J/K It's a joke of a show that makes u do some cheap fear factor imitation stunts for help in getting your green card. It's on channel 22 here in L.A, i've seen a few segments while channel surfing and the first thought that came to my head was how long before it's protested and cancelled. LOL


rc213 said:
"Gana La Verde" is awesome! LOL J/K It's a joke of a show that makes u do some cheap fear factor imitation stunts for help in getting your green card. It's on channel 22 here in L.A, i've seen a few segments while channel surfing and the first thought that came to my head was how long before it's protested and cancelled. LOL

I've been seeing that show every now and then, I had no idea they were playing for green cards though. lol
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