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GTA:SA in stores tuesday?

evil ways

There's a small posibility that the game will be sold on Monday. Word out is that some retailers might get the game on Friday but start selling it on Monday-Tuesday morning.
i heard monday for gamestop

however if its friday then let me know becayse its street dated for mon night and once 1 store breaks it they all can

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Probably depends on the store, but all the EBs should have it Monday.

I was told that I could pick up the game on Monday after 7pm, and that they were only selling the game to pre-order customers. Tuesday anyone can purchase it.


My EB said Monday at around 7 as well, interestingly enough they are only getting a rather small allotment of copies(considering the scope of the game) in the initial shipment. With a bigger shipment arriving wednesday or thrusday.


Tag of Excellence
Another confirmation this time for the South Florida area. GameStop is receiving the game on Monday and will begin selling them at 7pm.
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