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Guess what STILL sucks ass?

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Banstick Emeritus
Moving into a new place. Nothing says "OMG sore back" than lifting 947000 cardboard boxes up three flights of stairs on the hottest long weekend of the year.




Yeah, I was gonna move out of my craphole apartment and into a house with these chicks, but decided not to because I didn't want to move all my shit. Oh, and because they're insane dope fiends. So now I need someone to move into my apartment.


Yeah, I've gotta move.


Sealed a deck and painted a garage today, bitches!


My girlfreind just broke up with me after a year and some months. Because my freind told her he loves her.

For those keeping track, that still sucks ass too. :(


haha, you had to move...

Which is what I'll be doing in two weeks :)

900 mile driving marathon into unpacking. In one day!


Coen said:
watching 'You got served' in French is supposed to suck too.
Are you trying to imply that watching it in English doesn't suck? Because I'm not sure I can get behind that line of thinking.


Teh Hamburglar said:
Buddy, what floor are you moving into? I got first floor right in front of the pool :)
We got third floor due to the vaulted celings. If I remember correctly, my building is the one that's across the road and kind of parallel to Best Buy.


Raoul Duke said:
Are you trying to imply that watching it in English doesn't suck? Because I'm not sure I can get behind that line of thinking.

Not at all, not at all. In fact, I have no clue what kind of show 'you got served' is. I'm in Europe. But I've been told that it sucks by yesterdays topic.


Teh Hamburglar said:
I think thats my building as well. I can't remember my address but I remember 214.
I am 134. Well, at least, I though we were on the third floor..Unless the first number refers to the building, and the second refers to the floor. I'm confused now.

Sidenote: my move in got delayed a week so that they could finish the building. I was supposed to be in on the 7th, now I'm not moving down till the 14th.

Jim Bowie

To BuddyC and TehHamburglar- What dorms have you ever lived in? I want to know what I'm getting myself into...

That having been said, I hate moving too. But I'm hopefully I'll be glad where I put it.


I just moved into a new apartment this weekend. Everything is much better than the last apartment I lived at except one thing. I live on the first floor and I can hear every FUCKING footstep that the person above me takes. I can even hear his TV sometimes too when he has it on high enough. Stupid floor creaks!
Jim Bowie said:
To BuddyC and TehHamburglar- What dorms have you ever lived in? I want to know what I'm getting myself into...

That having been said, I hate moving too. But I'm hopefully I'll be glad where I put it.

I lived in Swinford one semester which is the Honors Dorm. It was decent as far as dorms go. Swinford is all male and Botsford is all female so we all just play pool/foosball/cards in the lobby which is the best of all the dorms I think. Try to avoid Lafollete. Thats wher emost of the incoming freshman go and its just total madhouse. Its party time 24/7 over there.

Noyer Complex AWESOME! GET IN HERE WHENEVER YOU CAN. Buddy lived in Klipple which was opposite of Baker, which is where I was. Huge rooms (huge) with semi private baths. Pretty quiet and mature residents. I loved it here. If I move back into the dorms ever it'll be here.

Jim Bowie

Well, I didn't get LaFollete, thank God. But I don't think I can have Noyer just yet. Isn't that an upperclassmen dorm?

It's another dorm that starts with an H, I think. I can't remember it... it's a co-ed dorm...


I'll talk to you about it later Jim, but you probably won't end up in Noyer. You're likely to wind up in Lafollette, Stu West or at worst, Stu East. Each have some pros and cons, well, except for Stu East. Ugh. Shithole with no redeeming qualities.


Jim Bowie said:
Wait! It was DeHority! Is DeHority any good? Or am I screwed?

EDIT: Oh right, talk about it later... sorry.
That's not bad at all. It's not as far as Stu East, and way way closer to some of your classes and one of the best dining halls on campus.


i did a big move a few weeks ago. i lived on the second floor and we had a ton of shit. i feel your pain.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Good luck Bish!

Chipopo said:
My girlfreind just broke up with me after a year and some months. Because my freind told her he loves her.

For those keeping track, that still sucks ass too. :(

Aw man, when you mentioned it on isketch I thought you were joking. =( Sorry to hear it, man.
I just moved in about a month ago to a new place, and ya I feel your pain. Thank goodness I had my old roommate help me. Made it a lot easier. Probably the biggest pain in the ass was moving the arcade cabinet. I live in the third floor. You can imagine that pain. Heh here it is a month later and the place still isn't completely set up. Almost there now that we got new furniture, but still waiting on the TV. Can't wait =)

White Man

I moved 2 months ago. It was very easy since I was only able to bring like 3 suitcases. The part of moving that was the biggest pain in the ass was Chicago, which is apparently a town comprised of one giant, hellish airport.


Chipopo said:
My girlfreind just broke up with me after a year and some months. Because my freind told her he loves her.

For those keeping track, that still sucks ass too. :(

So she just breaks up with you and goes with him? That sucks man.

On another note I should remember to say that to some one I know. :D
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