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Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I'm out of town but will be picking it up when I get back on Monday. The game got like 0% promotion, so I'm not surprised no one bought it. Not like the original flew off the shelves until the price got chopped.


I am on the 4th level I think (casino level) and it is great. I loved the 1st game and I love this one.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
OK, I can't figure out how anyone could prefer the original game to this one. The gameplay itself is much deeper and more rewarding, the game is harder, the level design is better, there is more variety, the storyline is more fleshed out, and the controls are better.

The ONLY thing the original has on this is the original soundtrack (this game uses music from both the anime and the first game...and seemingly not during many missions) and 60 fps (which is a big loss, I must say). I honestly have no clue why they couldn't pull 60 fps out this time...

Regardless, OD kicks ass. Great value for $15! One thing that suprised me was the fact that the voice director was Kris Zimmerman (MGS series, Soul Reaver, Grandia II, Sword of Bersek etc etc etc.). For such a low budget release, I expected a truly terrible English dub (as they chose not to use the Japanese audio track this time around), but the voice acting is suprisingly good!


Damn right! It's a guilty pleasure shoot fest that's aptly named overdose. Excellent presentation even if it wasn't a budget price game. The two extra necro risen characters kick ass especially Billy. The loading is about 3-5 secs. The gameplay is faster and more frantic than the original. Heck it suffers from less slow down than it's predecessor with more stuff being thrown out on the screen.

For the price what's not to luv about this game!?!

p.s. Is the anime worth watching?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Heck it suffers from less slow down than it's predecessor with more stuff being thrown out on the screen.

Well, not really...

The base framerate is 30 fps in OD, and it very often drops from that. However, they simply drop frames in OD...which appears choppier while retaining the full speed of the game.

The original game ran at a base of 60 fps, but when the game couldn't hold it, they would continue to draw all frames of animation...which resulted in what seemed like "slow motion".

It bothers me a bit, I must say, but it hasn't really detracted from the crazy gameplay.

p.s. Is the anime worth watching?

Oh my yes! It's one of my absolute favorite animes of all time, believe it or not. I place it on the same level as stuff like Berserk. Despite the preview on the OD disc, the anime is not action packed. It is a very character driven show with some of the best characters I've seen in any anime. Considering that most recent anime hasn't really been of top quality (IMO), this was quite a suprise. The first episode is a bit dull, though, so don't make the mistake of judging the entire series on that single ep...


dark10x said:
OK, I can't figure out how anyone could prefer the original game to this one.
Style and old fashioned "cool". The original game had buckets of it, OD has none.

I also felt it was an all-around sloppier experience than the first game, lacking in pretty much all areas, but perhaps I need to give it a longer shot than a level or two.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
aku:jiki said:
Style and old fashioned "cool". The original game had buckets of it, OD has none.

I also felt it was an all-around sloppier experience than the first game, lacking in pretty much all areas, but perhaps I need to give it a longer shot than a level or two.

Oh, I agree that it isn't as stylish or tightly designed...but the actual gameplay mechanics of OD are just so superior to the original that I can look past it. Also, like I said, there is much more in the way of a storyline here...

The original had a feeling all its own, but OD plays so much better. It's a sloppy feeling game with a poor framerate, rather ugly visuals, and a minimal usage of music during the game...but the level design, controls, mechanics, storyline, and difficulty level goes so far beyond the original game. Gungrave was incredibly easy, had almost no variety within its tiny stages, and required little mastery of more limited control set. The beat counter was fun to play with, but it never really felt all that rewarding.

I do wish that OD was combined with the high points of the original, though. The style and feeling of the original was just awesome.
For 20 bucks CDN I'm hoping Gungrave OD is worth the pickup..although sadly its been delayed up here until tuesday. You know, that tuesday. Katamari/Shadow Hearts/Donkey Konga/Star Wars DVD/so on and so forth day.

(Looks at release list...)

WTF, Monster Hunter is out that day too?


So the game has English voices only? The European version of Gungrave was only subbed, which I appreciated.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Kiriku said:
So the game has English voices only? The European version of Gungrave was only subbed, which I appreciated.

Overdose was had Japanese voices in Europe? I didn't even know that OD was available in Europe...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Ill Saint said:
He's talking about the original... no signs of OD coming to PAL land, unfortunately.

Err, the US version of Gungrave also only offered Japanese voices. OD is the one that recieved a dub, not the original Gungrave. There was no English dub created for the original Gungrave game...
My eb was sold out of Gungrave, however, I was fortunate enough to have found another copy a few stores down (the mall has 2 eb's). Is it me or is the Lock-on system pretty much crap? I don't remember the original Gungrave having such a weak lock-on system.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Riskbreaker said:
My eb was sold out of Gungrave, however, I was fortunate enough to have found another copy a few stores down (the mall has 2 eb's). Is it me or is the Lock-on system pretty much crap? I don't remember the original Gungrave having such a weak lock-on system.

Well, the lock on system certainly isn't as good as it should be...

However, the original lock-on system was way too cheap. Basically, you could just hit the button anytime and it would lock onto anything around you. Maybe that sounds functional, but it was no challenge to take out everything around you because you never need to really move your viewpoint. Just keep hitting the lock-on button and you'll fly around to every target on the screen...
dark10x said:
Well, the lock on system certainly isn't as good as it should be...

However, the original lock-on system was way too cheap. Basically, you could just hit the button anytime and it would lock onto anything around you. Maybe that sounds functional, but it was no challenge to take out everything around you because you never need to really move your viewpoint. Just keep hitting the lock-on button and you'll fly around to every target on the screen...

hmmmmm........I'm having a hard time with the boss that looks sorta like the end boss from Die Hard Arcade (He has a rocket launcher). Any tips?
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