Gotcha, I didn’t realize all of human psychology could be summed up by A SINGLE PERSON’S mental state. Why, why have we wasted time doing psychological research for all these years, when we could have just asked this rando what he’s thinking and completely solved and have full understanding of the mental state of every human in existence!
Seriously, do you hear yourself right now? Your past is fucking irrelevant to what I’m saying. People can change, whether it triggers you or not. Nobody is denying what Wahlberg did back then, but he did jail time for it, he’s shown no evidence in over THIRTY YEARS that he’s that sort of person anymore, and he’s made steps to make amends.
And seriously, how fucking arrogant are you to think one of these incidents should be still held against Wahlberg when the victim himself forgave Wahlberg?! But you know, maybe you should go find Trinh and tell him about how he’s wrong for forgiving Wahlberg. I’m sure he’ll change his mind and thank you instead of, you know, telling you to fuck off and let him worry about himself.
You’re like the town in Halloween Ends. When the kid who was killed in an accident, and the town hates Corey for it even after the kid’s father forgave Corey, and the father tells Laurie, “even though I was the one who lost something, it didn’t matter to all of them. They just took my pain and made it about themselves.”
That’s what this is. I doubt you give a shit about the people Wahlberg hurt back then. You just want to make it about you. Hence why you brought up your own behavior, so you could pat yourself on the back for it.
You’re not fooling me, pal. Kindly step off now.