Tommie Hu$tle
You can have fun with for hours. It translates a phrase from english to 5 different languages and back to English quite unpredictible.
Original English Text:
I want to have sex with her pussy and her ass!
Translated to French:
Je veux avoir le sexe avec son chat et son âne !
Translated back to English:
I want to have the sex with his cat and his ass!
Translated to German:
Ich möchte das Geschlecht mit seiner Katze und seinem Esel haben!
Translated back to English:
I would like to have the sex with its cat and its donkey!
Translated to Italian:
Vorrei avere il sesso con il relativo gatto ed il relativo asino!
Translated back to English:
I would want to have the sex with the relative cat and the relative
Translated to Portuguese:
Eu quereria ter o sexo com o gato relativo e o burro relativo!
Translated back to English:
I would want to have the sex with the relative cat and the relative
Translated to Spanish:
¡Desearía tener el sexo con el gato relativo y el burro relativo!
Translated back to English:
It would wish to have sex with the relative cat and the relative
Original English Text:
She says her ass stings when I stick it in!
Translated to French:
Elle dit ses piqûres d'âne quand je le colle dedans !
Translated back to English:
It says its punctures of ass when I stick it inside!
Translated to German:
Es sagt seine Durchbohren des Esels, wenn ich es nach innen hafte!
Translated back to English:
It says its a perforating of the donkey, if I adhere it inward!
Translated to Italian:
Dice relativo una perforazione dell'asino, se se lo aderisco verso
Translated back to English:
It says relative a perforation of the ass, if if I join it towards the
Translated to Portuguese:
Diz o parente uma perfuração do burro, se se eu o juntar para o
Translated back to English:
The relative says a hole of the donkey, if if I to join it for the
Translated to Spanish:
¡El pariente dice un agujero del burro, si si I para ensamblarlo para
el interior!
Translated back to English:
The relative says a hole of the donkey, if if I to assemble it for the
Original English Text:
I want to have sex with her pussy and her ass!
Translated to French:
Je veux avoir le sexe avec son chat et son âne !
Translated back to English:
I want to have the sex with his cat and his ass!
Translated to German:
Ich möchte das Geschlecht mit seiner Katze und seinem Esel haben!
Translated back to English:
I would like to have the sex with its cat and its donkey!
Translated to Italian:
Vorrei avere il sesso con il relativo gatto ed il relativo asino!
Translated back to English:
I would want to have the sex with the relative cat and the relative
Translated to Portuguese:
Eu quereria ter o sexo com o gato relativo e o burro relativo!
Translated back to English:
I would want to have the sex with the relative cat and the relative
Translated to Spanish:
¡Desearía tener el sexo con el gato relativo y el burro relativo!
Translated back to English:
It would wish to have sex with the relative cat and the relative
Original English Text:
She says her ass stings when I stick it in!
Translated to French:
Elle dit ses piqûres d'âne quand je le colle dedans !
Translated back to English:
It says its punctures of ass when I stick it inside!
Translated to German:
Es sagt seine Durchbohren des Esels, wenn ich es nach innen hafte!
Translated back to English:
It says its a perforating of the donkey, if I adhere it inward!
Translated to Italian:
Dice relativo una perforazione dell'asino, se se lo aderisco verso
Translated back to English:
It says relative a perforation of the ass, if if I join it towards the
Translated to Portuguese:
Diz o parente uma perfuração do burro, se se eu o juntar para o
Translated back to English:
The relative says a hole of the donkey, if if I to join it for the
Translated to Spanish:
¡El pariente dice un agujero del burro, si si I para ensamblarlo para
el interior!
Translated back to English:
The relative says a hole of the donkey, if if I to assemble it for the