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Hackers find “official,” usable PSP emulator hidden in PS4’s PaRappa


Sometimes it seems that Sony itself is a PS4 hacker's best friend. In January, we wrote about how hackers were taking advantage of the system's built-in PlayStation Classics emulator to get arbitrary PS2 games running on unlocked hardware.
Now, it seems a PSP emulator buried in a "remastered" PS4 release could provide a new way to get upscaled versions of the portable system's games running on your TV.

The PS4 game in question is PaRappa the Rapper Remastered, a bare-bones, upscaled re-release of the '90s PlayStation rhythm game.
Earlier this week, GBATemp user KiiWii posted his discoverythat the PS4 game uses an in-built PSP emulator to run a copy of the 2007 PSP version of PaRappa rather than running new code specifically ported to the PS4.

Hacker Dark Element has also posted the apparent configuration files used by PaRappa's PSP emulator and promised that a user-friendly PSP package injector that works on unlocked PS4s is coming.
Meanwhile, many in the PS4 hacking community are seeking out a copy of the Asia-exclusive Loco Roco 2 Remastered for the PS4 to see if there's anything to be learned from the PSP emulator that presumably lurks on that disc.

Source: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2018...l-usable-psp-emulator-hidden-in-ps4s-parappa/
NOTE: no discussion of piracy and/or links to them, this is solely about the finding of a functional emulator build in.
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I'll be interested to see what the results are if the hackers are able to run any released PSP game on it. I read a number of years back that Sony actually admitted they had a PS2 emulator running on the PS4, but the results were all over the place. Some games ran fine, some had minor issues, others major, and some never worked at all. I imagine it'll be the same with the PSP emulator.

It would've been cool if Sony had allowed Plus member to gain access to the PS2 emulator, but they would still likely be inundated with emails, Tweets, phone calls and the like about how X game doesn't work, please make X game work, why aren't you making X game work, when is X game going to work, my saves crash with X, my PS4 locks up when I get to point A in X, etc.

Adding a "I promise not to be a whiny little bitch about this" check box when accessing the emulator probably wouldn't help either. We all know what us gamers are like :)


Neo Member
My memory could be failing, but wasn't there an official PSP emulator on the PS3 developer's system? I remember screenshotsand video of a developer's unit that was sold, and there were PSP isos installed in the system for testing.


Hardly surprising that the likes of LocoRoco and PaRappa the Rapper are just running from an emulator.

This certainly explains why the LocoRoco motion controls were so blunt (the emulator was translating the gyro orientation into L and R button presses).
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Mr. Grumpy: Can you please stop doing your best to conjure up the childish "console war" threads that you appear to enjoy so much,


Sony did the same thing on the PS3, the various "minis" were just PSP games running on an emulator.

Which seriously pisses me off about Sony. You buy a game on PSN, you should be able to run it on all the platforms that can actually run them, not just the ones Sony wants you to. It's something for Nintendo, too, but they've always been clearer that a X game is only for X (only exception really being DSI ware on the 3DS)


Mr Grumpy: As you know, there are ways to feed back any concerns you have with the NeoGAF team. As you also know, the way to do that is not to attempt to "call out" that member of the team in a thread and to try and change what actually happened.
Sony did the same thing on the PS3, the various "minis" were just PSP games running on an emulator.

Which seriously pisses me off about Sony. You buy a game on PSN, you should be able to run it on all the platforms that can actually run them, not just the ones Sony wants you to. It's something for Nintendo, too, but they've always been clearer that a X game is only for X (only exception really being DSI ware on the 3DS)

Funny when i pointed this out my post got removed so be warned!!


I'll be interested to see what the results are if the hackers are able to run any released PSP game on it. I read a number of years back that Sony actually admitted they had a PS2 emulator running on the PS4, but the results were all over the place. Some games ran fine, some had minor issues, others major, and some never worked at all. I imagine it'll be the same with the PSP emulator.

It would've been cool if Sony had allowed Plus member to gain access to the PS2 emulator, but they would still likely be inundated with emails, Tweets, phone calls and the like about how X game doesn't work, please make X game work, why aren't you making X game work, when is X game going to work, my saves crash with X, my PS4 locks up when I get to point A in X, etc.

Adding a "I promise not to be a whiny little bitch about this" check box when accessing the emulator probably wouldn't help either. We all know what us gamers are like :)

Did you just somehow spin this into gamers being whiny bitches? That's impressive.

From my perspective it just looks like a company trying to make more money, which is all they're interested in so that's understandable. But to say they haven't released an emulator because people will complain their favorite game doesn't work? Come on.

They could easily do what Microsoft is doing with xbone but there's no incentive because they have the sales lead. It's the same reason Nintendo doesn't do it either, as they don't consider themselves a part of any competition. All these companies are only interested in profit. In this case it's pretty short sighted, because I'm sure some gamers have already turned to PC thanks to guaranteed forward compatibility.

Mr. Grumpy

Grumpy see, Grumpy do.
Funny when i pointed this out my post got removed so be warned!!
Nothing of the kind, as you already know. As was made clear to you, you actually got a warning for another post of yours which attempted to start infantile console wars, which is something you do seem to enjoy on here.
Micosoft upscales emulated games u own for free.

Sony charges full price to rebuy something u have.
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