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Haha,i guess i ve got funniest browser hijack yet

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Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
It opens a pop up that says your PC may be infected and i need to buy some spybot removal software,linking me to page with various tools.

Killed it with Adaware,lol.


lol yeah that's pretty popular.

The one that said my dick was small and I couldn't pleasure women hurt though :(


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>Spyware advertising a spyware blocker, which in fact adds more spyware to your system! BRILLIANT!<<<

This isn't a new idea. It's just the next iteration of the old mafia protection rackets.
Now if they would only prosecute these fucks like organized crime...
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