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Half Life 2 = $39.82 @ Microcenter (instore)


works for Gamestop (lol)
source: Claus DuBois (CAG)

Claus DuBois said:
Just received email from Micro Center for IN-STORE ONLY purchase price of HL2 for $39.82. Micro Center is a fairly small chain, but some might get lucky and find that there is a location close by. Here’s the link to store locations. http://www.microcenter.com/at_the_stores/index.html

I have posted a picture of the the weekly paper ad that shows HL2 down in the lower right hand corner.


You'll see that this ad just says "Hot Price", but I can assure you that the email ad I received shows that the "Hot Price" is $39.82!. If you look at my avatar, you can see a pic of the email ad I received (the avatar was the only way I could fiure out how to give you a pic of it since the email pic had no url that I could discern.)



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