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Half-Life 2 going gold Monday?!?


From Gabe himself?

Update: Looks like it might be fake.

Fool's Gold After a close scrutiny of Gabe Newell’s account history on the forums, we've come to the conclusion that the gold post is a fake. While we can't be 100% certain at this stage, all indicators point towards someone hacking the forum account. That said, all Gabe's previous posts on these forums are quite legitimate. We apologize for the confusion and will be investigating further. Theoretically, an IPB forum account should be very difficult to hack. Well, that was the theory at least. We'll keep you updated.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Meh, the words that come out of that man's mouth mean next to nothing to me. I'll believe it when I see it. Hopefully we see it... :D


Did he say what week? what month? what year?

They said sept for hl2, but they never said 2003 :p


Erik from Valve said they will add more preload content over the next couple of weeks.

The preload content in it's current state (500mb compressed, 1g uncompressed) contains most of the textures HL2 needs to run.

Looks like Sept 30th.


From : Gabe Newell <gaben@valvesoftware.com>
Sent : Saturday, August 28, 2004 9:22 AM
To : "ctarkin" <ctarkin@digiverse.net>
Subject : GOLD?

No, it's 100% fake.

-----Original Message-----
Hello Gabe, I've just read the thread in hl2fallout about HL2 going gold on monday.
As a hardcore fan I must ask: IS THIS REAL?

Thanks for the kickass game
Chris 'tarkin'
Reply With Quote
I might actually send him an email myself if getting a reply is that easy.


Still Tagged Accordingly
should I play HL1 before I play HL2? I've only played a bit after the "the accident".


^ YES!!

And finish it as well. Not just because you'll appreciate HL2 more, but because it's one of the best games ever made :)


Going Gold on monday.. HA! That's of course with a ridiculous crunch 72-hour long weekend trying to get to zero bug status. Oh, and that's IF QA doesn't find another class A bug in the meantime. But I guess since it's the PC world, they can just release and patch. Too bad nothing like CQC exists for PCs...


Unconfirmed Member
Fool's Gold
After a close scrutiny of Gabe Newell’s account history on the forums, we've come to the conclusion that the gold post is a fake. While we can't be 100% certain at this stage, all indicators point towards someone hacking the forum account. That said, all Gabe's previous posts on these forums are quite legitimate.

We apologize for the confusion and will be investigating further. Theoretically, an IPB forum account should be very difficult to hack. Well, that was the theory at least. We'll keep you updated.



Scrow said:
should I play HL1 before I play HL2? I've only played a bit after the "the accident".

I did, it a good way to get into the story. I even played through opposing force and blue shift last week.


rofl... no wonder hackers were able to abuse Valve so badly... what kind of secure password is gaben?? What a dumbass.


Man Gabe...damn. I mean...damn. The first thing school kids in elementary school are taught in Computer Class is to never use your name as your password.

So sad. I love HL and I probably will love HL2, but it's created by the most retarded company on the planet.
Hrmm. It appears that I'll have a nice backlog of games now when I'm finally able to upgrade my computer. Not going to upgrade until PCI Express hits.


Jesus, when I said that Valve is the least secure developer around, I was hoping it was an exaggeration, but when you've got their lead making such an obvious password even for a web forum, that tells you something.
Eric-GCA said:
Jesus, when I said that Valve is the least secure developer around, I was hoping it was an exaggeration, but when you've got their lead making such an obvious password even for a web forum, that tells you something.

I dunno, the whole situation seems to be of dubious importance to me. My general impression is that HL2fallout is hardly in the top echelon of fansites, so you really have to take the news with a grain of salt right off the bat. Has Gabe ever even posted there, or was that just a wishful thinking account?


Crazymoogle said:
I dunno, the whole situation seems to be of dubious importance to me. My general impression is that HL2fallout is hardly in the top echelon of fansites, so you really have to take the news with a grain of salt right off the bat. Has Gabe ever even posted there, or was that just a wishful thinking account?
Gabe has posted on those forums numerous times, revealing or elaborating upon the latest HL2 news.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Eric-GCA said:
Jesus, when I said that Valve is the least secure developer around, I was hoping it was an exaggeration, but when you've got their lead making such an obvious password even for a web forum, that tells you something.

What do you expect from someone who started at Microsoft?
BuddyChrist83 said:
Gabe has posted on those forums numerous times, revealing or elaborating upon the latest HL2 news.

Then I stand corrected. It was hard to get anything substantial since the site just mowed down their own forums entirely.
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