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Half-Life 2 = november 2004?


According to EBGames and Amazon, the game is now scheduled for november. Yesterday, both were listing the game for september.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Perhaps, with September approaching quickly, they only pushed it back because there IS no date yet?

I'm getting sick of this! November is the WORST month to release it in. Too many other REALLY BIG games are being released...


eb and amazon routinely invent dates for games with no official release date.

pc gamer has hinted at a half-life 2 review in the next issue. if that's true, a september/october release isn't so far-fetched.


Why did they start the downloading on steam then? I don't get it. It will be here September 1 like I was told. Watch.


DSN2K said:
shocker :lol



is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
They haven't actually started preloading the game on Steam yet, even though they were supposed to last week. It wouldn't be Valve if it wasn't delayed... again and again.

It will probably go gold as soon as the CS Source beta testing is done. My guess is it will be out in stores and available for "activation" on Steam by the last week of September. If it really doesn't come out until November then

A. They lied about the release candidate being done in August
B. It really is done but Vivendi is holding it off to boost their holiday quarter sales

If it's B than I'm definately paying for it through Steam. No need to give a jackass publisher money for making people wait even longer than the developer has.
dark10x said:
I'm getting sick of this! November is the WORST month to release it in. Too many other REALLY BIG games are being released...
This is Vivendi we're talking about here. Not the sharpest tool in the industry.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
In their defense, this is likely to sell well regardless of release date (what other game on the PC comes close to the anticipation level this has?). The problem is, it's pretty retarded for a company to go around giving specific time frames for completion only for that date to pass and to hear absolutely nothing about why the game still isn't out.

If the game really is done in September, release it in September.


Actually, I think Vivendi plans on making up a month to release it and waiting until it becomes part of their calendar. That way people can't mock them because there's no release date to miss.

Half Life 2!
Chosember 200T!

Just make it a marketing campaign with a funky countdown to creep the hell out of people.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Half-Life 2 preload now starts at 6PM PDT / 9PM EDT tonight. Maybe it will make it out next month after all. :D
Mooreberg said:
Half-Life 2 preload now starts at 6PM PDT / 9PM EDT tonight. Maybe it will make it out next month after all. :D

I want to believe. (Gabe said it wud start on monday it didn't, so i don't believe him this time anyway)

I'll find out tomorrow 2am gmt i believe it is and i have to get up at 8:30am :p


Mooreberg said:
Half-Life 2 preload now starts at 6PM PDT / 9PM EDT tonight. Maybe it will make it out next month after all. :D

I'll believe it when I see it in my games list.



it's just another hint that the game might actually come out in the next few weeks, which is why i'm kinda excited.


it's up.
Half-Life 2 Pre-Loading Begins
August 26, 2004, 6:55 pm · cliffe
Half-Life 2 pre-loading begins to Steam account holders today. Over the coming days, those who have selected the pre-loading option will have encrypted Half-Life 2 files delivered to their PC. No purchase is required to pre-load HL2, but is required to activate the game. Purchase options will be released soon. Then, the moment the game is made available, those who have pre-loaded and purchased Half-Life 2 via Steam will be authenticated and ready to start playing. For more information, please visit www.steampowered.com.


Sweet. Preloading it now. There's no way they would do that this early and release the game almost 3 months later. Unless they really wanted to fuck with us and piss us off even more.


Why would this date be any more reliable than the previous September 1st date? I think it's hilairous this game is officially going to be delayed by more than a year, though.

EDIT: "The Steam servers are currently too busy to handle any more pre-loads of Half-Life 2" Hah
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