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Half-Life 2 - The Computer...


First of all: SORRY IF THIS IS OLD!


A guy did an awesome job modding is PC, inspired by the release of Half-Life 2. You can look at the "making of" right here: http://members.home.nl/gis/

piloux said:
Hi guys, here I go again with a new project log :D

Long time ago I had the idea to build a Half life lan pc but never had good enough idea to start working on it... well the imminent coming out Half life ² gave me some good inspiration.

I had some parts and stuff to my disposal to start the project then lets go guys :)

for now , 2 things are sure :

-full time damage paintjob (to remind the Blackmesa atmosphere )
-green uv react watercooling ( to remind toxic liquid)

here is the stuff I have :

- watercooling : wb derfone, mj 1000, copper rad from nissan micra
-2 enremax 120mm
-2 enermax 80mm
-1 120 mm
-2 ccfl uv 10 cm
-1 ccfl uv 30 cm
-1 psu 250w
- actima dvd drive 10 x
- sony crx 1611 16x/10x/40x
- différents acrylic stuffs
- different aluminium stuffs

here are some pics of everything :


In this wallpaper you can have an idea how I want the case lokks like :)


well , after differents search I found this sort of paint to simulate the rustiness of steel


I try differents ways...

Source: http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=52568&page=1&pp=20


It is old, probably about 6 months.

This guy was later approached by Mr. Gabe Newell himself and was asked to create a case for Valve for them to demo software for journalists etc. He accepted and made a case much nicer than this one. Check http://www.bit-tech.net/ for the case (I believe it's still on the main page, haven't frequented their forums in a while)


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
It's as though some giant creature crapped out a partially digested computer...
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