Half of Republican Voters Believe Trump Won the Popular Vote

Nearly half of Republican voters believe President Donald Trump didn't really lose the popular vote to his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in last year's election, a new poll shows.

Trump won the electoral college, but he lost the popular vote by over 2.8 million votes to Clinton. The president has blamed his popular vote loss on widespread voter fraud, but there is no evidence to support his claim. Still, a new Morning Consult/Politico poll found 47 percent of Republicans believe Trump won the popular vote, while just 42 percent believe Clinton won. Overall, the poll found, 28 percent of voters believe Trump won the popular vote.

The survey underscores the effects of the president's baseless claims about voter fraud and shows how Trump has undermined confidence in the American electoral system without offering any evidence. Trump convened a panel in May to investigate the integrity of elections earlier this year, an effort critics say is unnecessary will stoke fears of voter fraud and lay the groundwork for more restrictive voting laws. Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R), the panel's vice chair, said this month ”we may never know" whether Clinton defeated Trump in the election.

David Becker, a former Justice Department lawyer who is now executive director of the Center for Election Innovation & Research, said the poll results were ”disappointing" but unsurprising.

”When the president says something, even if it's 100% demonstrably false, many will believe him," he wrote in an email. ”And it's particularly demoralizing when the falsehood he's pushing could have a long term effect on delegitimizating our democratic form of government and the professionals of both parties who work to administer and protect elections."

More mendacity within:
That's actually not that terrible or shocking. 28% of all voters thinking he actually won basically covers his actual approval ratings, so.

Most Republicans are dumb and illogical. This shouldn't be surprising.


The Fascism approach is working I see.

Though I do agree with the above poster that 28% overall is basically the reality of America.
While I think this is intended to show that the American people are stupid, I think it more shows how messed up the Electoral College is.
Trump won the electoral college, but he lost the popular vote by over 2.8 million votes to Clinton. The president has blamed his popular vote loss on widespread voter fraud, but there is no evidence to support his claim. Still, a new Morning Consult/Politico poll found 47 percent of Republicans believe Trump won the popular vote, while just 42 percent believe Clinton won. Overall, the poll found, 28 percent of voters believe Trump won the popular vote.

You know what? I'll take those numbers because I expected the Republican one to be higher than 47%.

And if he can't even get a majority of Republicans to believe him, the voting commission bullshit might not be successful.


Not surprised! I wouldn't be surprised if the "official" popular vote is altered as time goes along and the number we had post-election will be unofficial.
That's actually not that terrible or shocking. 28% of all voters thinking he actually won basically covers his actual approval ratings, so.

Most Republicans are dumb and illogical. This shouldn't be surprising.

Best first post.

This was my logic the entire time reading the OP.


Considering something like 85% of Republican voters still approve of his job in the White House, this number is actually a pleasant surprise in regard to how low it is.

It means around half of all people that still somehow still support him at least realize that he is a liar. This is a start. Optimistically, this means that around half of all current Trump supporters are at least capable of some level of rational thinking and that they may one day come around. The other half, those that support him and believe his bullshit, they're probably a lost cause.
Majority of Fox Viewers thought there were WMD found in Iraq.

Precisely. There will always be a sizable portion of any country susceptible to propaganda and deception. Luckily, as this poll shows, they constitute nowhere near a majority of society - in fact, not even a third.


Most people have no clue how the electoral college works so not surprised.

I had one person tell me shortly after the election they stopped counting votes once Trump was the projected winner.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
You're telling me Trump voters are gullible fools who don't know their asshole from the elbow? Well I never!
Precisely. There will always be a sizable portion of any country susceptible to propaganda and deception. Luckily, as this poll shows, they constitute nowhere near a majority of society - in fact, not even a third.

True, it's just insane to be so easily influenced by propaganda when you may have ready access to the Internet and Wikipedia. It was one thing back in Nazi Germany when you couldn't exactly "fact check" the state with a Google search.

Confirmation bias is truly a helluva drug.


The Fascism approach is working I see.

Though I do agree with the above poster that 28% overall is basically the reality of America.

Fascism goes faster than you think, it is staggering how history is repeating itself. It is all to late when it is all over.


And at least 50% of the Republican voters are morons.

Here is a venn diagram showing how the two groups overlap:



Fascism goes faster than you think, it is staggering how history is repeating itself. It is all to late when it is all over.

Almost 50% of Republicans refuse to believe an actual provable fact because Trump has them convinced the media lies, trust nobody but me, and the country is flooded with illegals whom are voting. It's definitely scary as shit.


It's actually a little surprising that it's only half. I guess that international, multi-billion dollar propaganda machine still has some work to do.

Although, part of me wonders if some of the survey responders who say Trump won the popular vote know it's not true but still toe the party line. Could be obstinance, could be an unwillingness to concede a single point in any debate. Could be a long-haul troll game, like flat earthers. Or I guess they could really latch on to Trump's blatant race-baiting about millions of illegal immigrants totally voting in those darn blue states. I'd be curious to know the reasons why people believe (or claim to believe) the stupid things that they do. This one is particularly interesting because it has scary implications for our democracy.

El Jaffe

I had an argument with some people claiming that Mitt Romney won the popular vote over Barack Obama, and I literally couldn't handle it. In whose right mind would think that.


honestly, many of those probably dont even understand the difference of electoral vote and the real thing. it doesnt mean that they believe him, but that they are just misinformed / not interested in these 'details'.


Republicans listen to the GOP propaganda machine in Fox News incessantly. They never hear anything but Trump and GOP talking points. Real news and facts literally never enter their minds. It's not really surprising they believe lies are true.


In a world where fake news is anything anti-trump and alternate facts are acceptable I don't find this surprising. Its more surprising half didn't believe him.

JC Lately

No, this is good guys! If they think Trump's victory was so overwhelming, maybe they'll think 2020 is already in the bag and stay their ass home.
Republican voters are beyond saving at this point. Morons, each and every single one.
You know, a funny thing happened during the Bush II years (yes I'm old leave me alone) which might help add perspective here. Back when Dumbya's approval slowly slid from 90% down to 25%, his approval rating among Republican voters didn't drop nearly as much.

What dropped was the percentage of voters identifying as Republican, from a high of 34% in 2004 to 28% in 2008:

. . . and note that didn't boost Dumbya's approval among Independents. When people who voted for Dumbya got fed up with him, they stopped being Republicans.

It's a key difference that's not often discussed. Democrats are inclined to vote for a "lesser of two evils" while still identifying as Democrats. Republicans come and go. Generally speaking, there's no, "I'm a Republican BUT. . ." except for concern trolling. So, yeah, Republican voters are beyond saving. . . until they stop being Republicans.

Don't look at the intra-party approval. Anyone talking about the numbers in the ranks?
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