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Halo 2 - February 9th - Information from Wiki



Some interesting stuff:

February 9 is the 40th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. There are 325 days remaining, 326 in leap years.

1861 - American Civil War: Jefferson Davis is elected the Provisional President of the Confederate States of America by the Confederate convention at Montgomery, Alabama.
1885 - The first Japanese arrive in Hawaii.
1942 - World War II: Top United States military leaders hold their first formal meeting to discuss American military strategy in the war.
1950 - Red scare: Senator Joseph McCarthy accuses the United States State Department of being filled with Communists.
1964 - The Beatles make their first appearance The Ed Sullivan Show.
1965 - Vietnam War: The first United States combat troops are sent to South Vietnam.
2004 - Mozilla Firefox: Browser renamed from Firebird to Firefox

Also of note: Thera's mom was born then!
hmm...what about my birthday:

* 1854 - Pope Pius IX proclaims the dogma of Immaculate Conception, which holds that the Virgin Mary was born free of original sin.
* 1886 - American Federation of Labor founded.
* 1907 - King Gustav V of Sweden accedes to the Swedish throne
* 1914 - Battle of the Falkland Islands fought.
* 1941 - World War II: After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor the previous day, the United States Congress passes a declaration of war against Japan, bringing the United States of America officially into World War 2; Congresswoman Jeannette Rankin casts the only "no" vote. In response, Hitler's Germany declares war on the United States.
* 1941 - Holocaust: First Nazi use of gas vans on Jews, at the Chelmno camp near Lodz.
* 1949 - Chinese Civil War: The capital of the Republic of China is moved from Nanjing to Taipei, Taiwan
* 1976 - The Eagles release one of the biggest-selling albums of all time, Hotel California
* 1980 - Mark David Chapman kills former Beatle John Lennon.
* 1987 - The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was signed.
* 1991 - Leaders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine met and signed an agreement ending the U.S.S.R. and establishing the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha Nature Reserve in Belarus
* 1993 - The North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA) is signed into law by US President Bill Clinton.
* 1994 - US President Bill Clinton signs a bill enacting United States participation in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT was formally signed on April 15 1994, in Marrakesh, Morocco by 124 nations).
* 2003 - Following ratification by the party members, the Canadian Alliance and the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada officially merge to create the new Conservative Party of Canada.



* 1513 - Juan Ponce de Leon sets foot on Florida becoming the first known European to do so.
* 1755 - Commodore William James captures pirate fortress of Severndroog on west coast of India.
* 1792 - The Coinage Act is passed establishing the United States Mint.
* 1800 - Manhattan Well Mystery: In New York City, the trial of Levi Weeks ends with an acquittal. Weeks was defended by Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.
* 1801 - Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Copenhagen - The British destroy the Danish fleet.
* 1863 - Richmond Bread Riots: Food shortages incite hundreds of angry women to riot in Richmond, Virginia and demand the Confederate government to release emergency supplies.
* 1865 - American Civil War: Siege of Petersburg broken - Union troops capture the trenches around Petersburg, Virginia, forcing Confederate General Robert E. Lee to retreat.
* 1865 - American Civil War: Confederate President Jefferson Davis and most of his Cabinet flee the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia.
* 1902 - "Electric Theatre", the first movie theater in the United States, opens in Los Angeles, California.
* 1917 - World War I: U.S. President Woodrow Wilson asks the U.S. Congress for a declaration of war on Germany.
* 1917 - The first woman ever elected to the U.S. Congress, Jeannette Rankin, takes her seat as a representative from Montana.
* 1930 - Haile Selassie is proclaimed emperor of Ethiopia.
* 1941 - The radio program Life of Riley aired for the first time.
* 1956 - General Motors board member Alfred P. Sloan steps down after 19 years as chairman with Albert Bradley as his successor.
* 1956 - As the World Turns and The Edge of Night first aired on the CBS network in the United States, as the first half-hour serial dramas.
* 1964 - The Saab board started Project Gudmund to develop a new and larger car, later released as Saab 99.
* 1972 - Actor Charlie Chaplin returns to the United States for the first time since being labeled a communist in the early 1950s during the Red Scare.
* 1972 - Vietnam War: Easter Offensive begins - North Vietnamese soldiers of the 304th Division take the northern half of Quang Tri Province.
* 1975 - Vietnam War: Thousands of civilian refugees flee from the Quang Ngai Province in front of advancing North Vietnamese troops.
* 1980 - U.S. President Jimmy Carter signs the Crude Oil Windfall Profits Tax Act in an effort to help the U.S. economy rebound.
* 1982 - Falklands War: Argentina invades the British-owned Falkland Islands starting the war.
* 1989 - Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev arrives in Havana, Cuba to meet with Fidel Castro in an attempt to mend strained relations.
* 1992 - In New York, Mafia boss John Gotti is convicted of murder and racketeering and is later sentenced to life in prison.
* 1992 - Pierre Bérégovoy becomes Prime Minister of France
* 1993 - Doom alpha version 0.4 is finished.
* 2002 - Israeli forces surrounded the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem which has around 200 Palestinians inside. A siege ensues.
* 2004 - Islamist terrorists involved in the 11 March 2004 Madrid attacks attempt a thwarted bombing of the Spanish high-speed train AVE near Madrid.
Yeah, my birthday sucked.
1977 - Last concert of Elvis Presley.
1979 - Muhammad Ali retires.
1997 - The first Harry Potter book is released to the public.
2003 - The U.S. Supreme Court rules that sodomy laws are unconstitutional in Lawrence v. Texas.

Now that's a birthday.
July 16

* 622 - Beginning of the Islamic calendar.
* 1769 - First performance of Mozart's opera The Abduction from the Seraglio.
* 1769 - Father Junipero Serra founds Mission San Diego de Alcalá, the first mission in California. The mission later evolves into the city of San Diego
* 1779 - American Revolutionary War: United States forces led by General Anthony Wayne capture Stony Point, New York from British troops.
* 1783 - Grants of land in Canada to American loyalists announced.
* 1790 - The signing of the Residence Bill establishes a site along the Potomac River as the District of Columbia (seat of government) of the United States (see Washington, DC).
* 1862 - American Civil War: David G. Farragut becomes the first United States Navy rear admiral.
* 1880 - First woman licensed to practice medicine in Canada - Dr. Emily Howard Stowe.
* 1914 - Hellenic Holocaust: According to the German Consul Kuchhoff: "The entire Greek population of Sinope and the coastal region of the county of Kastanome has been exiled. Exile and extermination in Turkish are the same, for whoever is not murdered, will die from hunger or illness."
* 1918 - Russian Revolution: At Ekaterinburg, Bolsheviks execute Czar Nicholas II of Russia and his family.
* 1942 - Holocaust: On order from the Vichy France government headed by Pierre Laval, French police officers round-up 13,000-20,000 Jews and imprison them in the Winter Velodrome.
* 1945 - Manhattan Project: The Atomic Age begins when the United States successfully detonates a plutonium-based test nuclear weapon at the Trinity site near Alamogordo, New Mexico.
* 1951 - The novel Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger was published.
* 1957 - United States Marine Major John Glenn flies a F8U supersonic jet from California to New York in 3 hours, 23 minutes and 8 seconds setting a new transcontinental speed record.
* 1969 - Apollo program: Apollo 11 launches off from Cape Kennedy, Florida with the goal to become the first manned space mission to land on the moon.
* 1973 - Watergate Scandal: Former White House aide Alexander P. Butterfield informs the United States Senate committee investigating scandal that President Richard Nixon had secretly recorded potentially incriminating conversations.
* 1979 - Iraqi President Hasan al-Bakr resigns and Saddam Hussein replaces him.
* 1990 - In the Philippines, an earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter Scale kills over 1600.
* 1994 - The planet Jupiter is hit by fragments of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet.
* 1994 - The civil war in Rwanda comes to an end.
* 1999 - Off the coast of Martha's Vineyard, a plane piloted by John F. Kennedy Jr. crashes with his wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and her sister Lauren Bessette on board. All three are killed in the crash.
* 2001 - The FBI arrests Dmitry Sklyarov at a convention in Las Vegas, Nevada for violating a provision of the DMCA.
* 2002 - Simon & Garfunkel release the album Live In New York City, 1967, a live recording of their January 22, 1967 concert at Philharmonic Hall.
* 2003 - an Australian research team led by Graham Giles of The Cancer Council published a medical study which concluded that frequent masturbation by males may help prevent the development of prostate cancer, marking the almost complete rehabilitation of the sexual practice from a dangerous health risk to a beneficial preventative health measure.
* 2004 - Millennium Park, considered the first and most ambitious architectural project in the early 21st century for Chicago, is opened to the public by Mayor of Chicago Richard M. Daley.
* 2004 - Barclays Bank freezes the bank accounts of the British National Party
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