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Halo 2 launch party in Finland (Europe)


I have been a proud owner of Halo 2 LCE for almost hours now. Sweet.

Anyway, Microsoft made a pretty succesful Halo 2 launch event here in Finland. The show started at 20.00 pm, four hours before one of Finland's largest retailers (not game-specific but they still sell a lot of games) started selling copies of the game. Some pics:





The show was hosted by two rather well-known semi-celebrities and they were alright (even if they didn't know crap about the game itself). There were some "celebrity deathmatches" but mostly they just invited two people from the audience and let them have a go at Halo 2 multiplayer. They also gave some copies of the newest OXM UK for the audience.


Meh, who needs dance acts when we can watch and play Halo 2? There were plenty of Xbox games around the main area, and most were occupied at all times. Halo 2 was playable at an "Xbox truck", didn't visit it myself.


The line started to form at about 21.00...


Pretty huge for Finland's standards. In fact, I can't remember any other (public) game launch in the recent years... Microsoft reps said they didn't expect this many people. I think there were a couple of hundred people in line.


Nothing fancy here. Well, except Halo 2, Halo 2 LCE and Halo 2 t-shirt, of course.


These guys didn't pre-order... They should've, so they could've gotten in the fast pre-order line like I did.

There was also a private launch party held at a nearby pub/club. Drinks and food for industry people, some celebrities etc...

Overall a really nice event, I hope this bodes well for such events in the future.

(Project Midway, Chittagong, got your copies yet? :))


You'll love the game! I just finished my first hour of Halo 2 XBL and I had a blast. I played Slayer the whole time. I actually won a match!

But the last match I played I only had 2 kills! I could kill anyone while I was virtually a bullet and grenade magnet!

And call me stupid (really) but how in the hell do you start a game where ANYONE can join in? I know I can start a party but I don't want to just have invited friends but anyone who wants to play.


Gold Member
IgeL said:
Project Midway, Chittagong, got your copies yet? :))

Excellent IgeL, thanks for the comments and pics, I didn't come over to the event as I was a pussy and preordered from another place to secure my Limited Edition. Getting it tomorrow morning (or today actually X-)

It's a party month indeed in Helsinki, Flatout party last week, Halo 2 party this week, then a week to gather strength for the crunch week - and then finally EA's Bond party, as well as Ive heard there has been chatter about invitations being sent soon for a huge Pathway to Glory party.

Well, I have whole Thursday booked for a workshop with Halo 2! Now playing GTA SA, brilliant stuff.
How did I miss this thread? did you create this late at night,lol? I was sleeping... =)
IgeL said:
(Project Midway, Chittagong, got your copies yet? :))
Sure, I picked it up 10:00AM from 'Gigantti', they had it for €45. Been playing now for around 2 hours, SP roxors my boxors! :lol


Project Midway said:
How did I miss this thread? did you create this late at night,lol? I was sleeping... =)

Sure, I picked it up 10:00AM from 'Gigantti', they had it for €45. Been playing now for around 2 hours, SP roxors my boxors! :lol

Aah, so Gigantii is the finnish name for Elgiganten? :)

I got my copy in the mail today.
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