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Halo 2 midnight launch in the OC

About 200 people in line last night at the EB at Brea Mall, Orange County. The mall cops were pretty funny putting restrictions on photography, lines, whatever. They take their job pretty seriously but didn't have to bust out any code blues or anything. Pretty amazing turn out for a video game launch.


Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
quadriplegicjon said:
you're a mod? 16 posts.. ive.. never.. . seen you before. :/


He used to post more, but now just plugs his web site. ;)

(Good site though!)
Hey Brea's got hot moms that shop all day, good enough reason to be called the OC.

Yeah been a mod for about 5 years but who's countin' ?
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