Jin34 said:
Can someone explain what they mean by hitscan and why its much better than before? And how was it before? I understand say a hitbox in fighting games but don't get what they mean here.
First we need to back off to real life: Guns fire bullets, which travel at a speed faster than you can run and less than the speed of light. They are fired fast so that they can hit the target before gravity would bring them down to earth, so to speak.
Back into games: Shooters like Halo need a way to simulate that speed to target. Many games completely ignore the gravitational effects on a travelling bullet, as it hits its target before the ground more than 999 out of 1000 times. But then there is the issue of the horizontal motion, over ground. Hitscan, in essence, assumes a close to infinite muzzle velocity. When you pull the trigger on a hitscan weapon (like the Hablo Dos BR), the game uses where you're aiming at that instant to track where the shot will hit. Looking at a wall? It hits the wall. Looking at EasyB's Bird Bros? Boom! Headshot.
The other model of bullet motion relies on a considerably sub-infinite muzzle velocity. You can see this in Halo 3: Go into theatre and watch a BR being fired. The bullets travels a fixed distance every frame until colliding with something. This model more accurately represents slow firing weapons, like the Rocket Launcher.
Why would you prefer one over the other? Several factors:
- Simulation: A non-hitscan weapon is by definition a better weapon simulation than a hitscan one, because real guns travel at speeds closer to zero than infinity. Modeling each bullet's path frame by frame creates, in general, more realism in a game
- Skill Gap: Full simulation weapons also create a larger skill gap
than a hitscan variant. The former case creates a necessity to lead shots, that is, to point the reticle not where they are but where they will be when the rounds make contact. More skilled players lead more effectively, and are able to finish of weaker players faster.
- Ease of Use: Conversely, needing to lead shots at a distance more than a few frames out makes guns frustratingly difficult to use at moderate range or for new players. Hitscan weapons shoot exactly where they are pointed when the trigger is pulled, so there is never any guessing as to where and when the shots will hit.
- System Resource Use: I'm not sure how large of a factor this is, but a non-hitscan model needs to simulate the direction and velocity of every live round that hasn't yet hit anything. Seeing as bullets with relatively low muzzle velocity can be active for a large number of frames could, hypothetically, create unnecessary system burden.