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HALO story question from a confused gamer


I'm retarded, and slightly confused. I just beat HALO for the first time, and have a question. On the last level, THE MAW, you go back to your crashed ship to detonate it and destroy HALO. How did setting off the reactors of the ship destroy it? The ship was on the nearby planet, no?



And even i am moderately surprised
a lot of people seem to think that Halo is set on a planet with the Halo circling it.

I can only assume people skipped the story bits?


Chili Con Carnage!
DCharlie said:
a lot of people seem to think that Halo is set on a planet with the Halo circling it.

I can only assume people skipped the story bits?

i didnt think you could skip it first time through, and doesnt someone say "he's gonna land it on the ring"?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
did you not see the ship explode? And then the explosion destroy the side of the ring? and then the ring break into pieces and that one bit of the ring smashes through the other bit of the ring?

Why does anyone think that it didn't take place on Halo? I mean if you look up or even dead ahead in places, it's right there.


catfish said:
did you not see the ship explode? And then the explosion destroy the side of the ring? and then the ring break into pieces and that one bit of the ring smashes through the other bit of the ring?

Why does anyone think that it didn't take place on Halo? I mean if you look up or even dead ahead in places, it's right there.

What gets me is that on most of the outdoor missions (Halo, Truth and Reconciliation, Keyes) you can see the ring arching out in front of you. You can actually see the entire thing by looking up and around.

Anyways - yes, you are on the ring Halo for all of the game, except for the first mission.
Hey guys,

Whatever abuse you can dish out, I deserve. I bought my Xbox and HALO last week, and started playing it with a friend over, so I wasn't able to pay that much attention to the opening story. I just replayed the first couple of missions and yes, it's clear now.

I honestly just wasn't sure, by game's end, where the last stage was taking place -- either on HALO or the planet. I think my initial reaction upon playing thru for the first time was, "Is that Halo circling the planet, or am I on it?" Again, cause I wasn't focusing on the story aspect at first.

But yes, now I know, and it all makes a lot more sense...

Here's a little story relating to my Halo confusion. Don't read if you haven't seen the Sixth Sense.

Me and my gf went to the theater to see it, and got there maybe 5 minutes late. It was playing in 2 theaters, right across from each other. I asked a woman who was walking into one of the showings, "Did this one start a few minutes ago?" She said yes, so I went in. It was well into the movie, but we thought, whatever, I guess there were no trailers. About 20 minutes in, it was clear we were in the wrong theater. So we got up, went into the other theater, and watched from there, missing the whole opening scene where Bruce Willis is shot which of course makes the surprise ending make a whole lot more sense.

The moral of the story? I don't know.
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