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Happy Father's Day!


I've been a father for about seven months now. It's the best feeling ever. It gives me a real purpose to get up everyday and grind. Our daughter Aisley (eyes-lee) came along 8 years into our marriage. My wife suffers from pcos (polycystic ovarian syndrome), which makes it difficult to get pregnant. Reason being, hormones are off, so eggs don't drop on schedule (irregular periods) and the eggs simply shrivel up in place. Over time, these dead eggs become like tombstones in the ovaries' lining. Which means they become an obstacle course for the eggs that do decide to drop. They get caught on them and don't escape. Thus there is no egg available to fertilize. Well, I'd all but accepted the fact that I'd probably never be a father. My wife admitted to me that she felt like less than a woman for not being able to procreate. I told her it was nonsense and that I was okay with us growing old with no kids. She also was worried that I would eventually leave her for someone else, just so that I could have some kids.

This is why we are so grateful for our beatiful baby girl. She has completed our family. I never knew I could love this much. That I could be so amazed at what a little person is capable of. I try to make her laugh as much as possible and kiss on her a few dozen times a day. She makes me smile more than should be allowed.

I recently took the day off just spend the day with her. She learned how to sit up unassisted that day. It was so awesome.

She is my pride and joy. She's just incredible. I am so thankful for her.

I know I'm not the only one to feel this way about there daughter. So to all of father-GAF, happy father's day!
Happy Father's Day!

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