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Has anybody taken The Berkeley Review (MCAT)?

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I'm selling my old MCAT books and exams on Ebay, which ends tomorrow night. I just received an email from them, asking me to cancel the auction because their books are leased to students per their contract, and may not be resold. According to the email, selling them is a felony. They also stated that my name is not in their records and that I am possessing them illegally (not true, I did take the course back in 97 or 98).

The order form on their website states that unauthorized use of those materials (including, without limitation, copying or redistributing them) could subject me to civil or criminal penalties or both. However, my books are from 97 and the copyright info on the front cover says "No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner." No mention of redistribution.

So, is it really a felony to sell them?


har har, a potential gaf MD is asking for the advice of the nonexistant gaf esq.

i know nothing, but if the books really are leased, you probably can't resell them without permission. still, i'd sell them and shove a middle finger up their behinds. i would sell them private party to some sucker undergrad and not on ebay though. paper trail and all.
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