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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?

Made it to Rank 5 with my Rafaam Miracoli.
Rafaam is hardly key to winning. A lot of the times he's a dead draw, but sometimes pulls it in the clutch. You could have Yogg like Dog's variation instead, or something else.

Haven't been this high in quite a few seasons. No time to push for legend though with only 2 days left, the grind sucks anyway.


Bleh, was keen on Deathrattle Rogue but that price tag is something else. N'Zoth, Sylvanas, Cairne, arguably Thalnos... on top of all the other Rogue cards I don't have.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Just crafted golden N'zoth because what the fuck were they thinking?


Don't get the general boner for N'Zoth, it's just a huge degenerate cancer bomb, design-wise probably the most unexciting legendary of the set. Basically an even more
version of Anyfin
Bleh, was keen on Deathrattle Rogue but that price tag is something else. N'Zoth, Sylvanas, Cairne, arguably Thalnos... on top of all the other Rogue cards I don't have.

I have all those mentioned except N'Zoth. N'Zoth might actually be a decent craft since he works decently in Paladin and Rogue at least for now. Not really missing Xaril much after playing a bunch of Rogue, but he could be a decent addition.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Used Evovle on my board. Got two fucking Branns. Proceeded to drop Fire Elemental for 12 damage.


These new cards can create fucking stupid scenarios. LoL


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I can see someone coming up with a funky darkspeaker deck with eerie statue or something. Nothing actually viable, but fun and that no one is expecting

Dragon Egg and Acolyte of Pain work well with it. It is a bit of a toy, though.

Used Evovle on my board. Got two fucking Branns. Proceeded to drop Fire Elemental for 12 damage.


These new cards can create fucking stupid scenarios. LoL

Uhhh having two Branns won't do anything for you dude. He only triggers battlecries twice, no matter how many you have.


Stated messing around with a deathrattle hunter beast deck. Put in nzoth but you usually don't make it past turn 10. The curve seems really good. I forsook the bow and traps, put in two hunters marks and a call of the wild also one owl. It's just flop out your rattles, hope to get the forlorn hunter dude that buffs your hand. (Great card imo for only 3 mana). Play Huhu on your Savanah or sylvanas or infested wolf or even a loot hoarder. Oh and I threw in one infest as well. Needs more playing but seems ok.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I have yet to run into anyone else playing Y'shaarj. It has a neat animation with a bunch of eyeballs coming out of your deck when it pulls a minion.


That evolve video from Kripp, just show that to people that said evolve looks bad before the release.

1 fucking mana on that thing. They had a mandate from the start when designing this expansion to just turn shamans into gods.

All I can hope for is they do the same for priest next.

I have yet to run into anyone else playing Y'shaarj. It has a neat animation with a bunch of eyeballs coming out of your deck when it pulls a minion.

I played one....but only because a light in the darkness offered it to me. I took it cause the other ones sucked and I said yolo. I placed it down as an 11/11 and my opponent couldn't deal with it, but it was drawing out my small battlecry minions. but didn't matter, cause how the hell was my opponent going to deal with that and rag.
That evolve video from Kripp, just show that to people that said evolve looks bad before the release.

1 fucking mana on that thing. They had a mandate from the start when designing this expansion to just turn shamans into gods.

All I can hope for is they do the same for priest next.
It'll never happen because the masses will always frown on playing control.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
What do they flame you about? It's like if old face hunters or zoolocks sent hatemail. I've seen it a few times but I'm rarely on the receiving end.
Alright nice, my luck turned around. In 6 packs I got Yogg, Fandral and a golden epic(even though blood of the Ancient one is trash).

Thinking of disenchanting the epic, I can do a lot with 400 dust, maybe even get a decent epic like Call of the Wild.
Here is my unpopular opinion: I think that, right now, just about every C'Thun deck is garbage.

Okay, maybe not garbage, but I don't think C'Thun druid is any better than a Ramp Druid list would be. C'Thun Warrior is really the only one I think is any good, but Fibonacci's Dragon list seems to be better anyways. Priest can use C'Thun, but N'Zoth Priest just seems strictly better to me. Shaman, Zoo, and Miracle Rogue are leagues ahead of any of the C'Thun decks in terms of power.

I have survived many c'thun's as a shaman. Easy to feel a board and evolve said board to high health minions with high attack that can with stand a cthun onslaught. I would say the Druid is formidable though because the cards it has that buff with a 10/10 cthun are really good, but then cthun feels like a win more play than a tide turner many try to use it as. Which I guess is what you want.

Also it is awesome when cthun is down in your opponents lower third and they are struggling to draw it. Just praying every turn they get it. Lol


Not really liking a pure C'thun deck I was thinking of just putting him in a regular Control Priest deck, since his minions aren't bad on their own and he could provide some nice extra firepower as long as he gets to 10+.

Only problem is that regular priest minions are seriously outvalued by C'thun minions, making this very difficult, at least in the current meta. I'll have to start over on this, I think. As much as I love Elise she's a no-go for this deck. I'll re-add some C'thun minions along with Rag and Ysera (who probably doesn't fit but yolo) and see how this fares.
i thought i was doing great in my second cthun priest game.

Rogue had reno.

Reno is legit my most disliked card to see show up in someone's deck.

It's like "Oh yeah, I'm doing alright this game - OH FUCK ME REEEEEEENO JACKSON."

It becomes apparent pretty early on so I can at least prepare for it, but all the same it's next to fatigue for my least liked decks IMO.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
What do they flame you about? It's like if old face hunters or zoolocks sent hatemail. I've seen it a few times but I'm rarely on the receiving end.

I got sooo many rage requests while playing renolock. Most commonly from secret paladin players, lol.
What do they flame you about? It's like if old face hunters or zoolocks sent hatemail. I've seen it a few times but I'm rarely on the receiving end.

I don't know, I guess they get pissy because tempo mage actually some spells that can deal with their crap i.e arcane blast. Cult Sorcerer has made the spell so much easier to use, especially if you run thalnos as well.

I am starting to get annoyed by healadin though, tuskarr jouster, tuskarr jouster, guardian of kings, lay on hands, forbidden healing. I don't have that tough of a time with them, it's just the games usually take a long time and I'm kind of "OMFG JUST DIE ALREADY"

this guy can do work in arena. get some much value from it with living roots.

Yeah people say it's trash but I think it's slightly underrated, it has some nice synergies but sadly most of them got rotated out(deathrattle minions like Haunted Creeper), I think it has a place in token decks.


Unconfirmed Member
So I played some Dragon Priest today in standard and was cleaning house with all the Shamans and C'Thun druids I played against.

Thoughtsteal is legit amazing against these guys. Same with the 4/3 for 4. Those are just awesome ways to take their stuff and keep your hand full so you can use Twilight Drake more effectively.

The dragons give you powerful drops at almost all mana levels (2/3 for 1, 2/4 taunt for 2, 3/5 for 3, 3/6 taunt for 4, etc), combined with the ability to heal after trading, and Holy Nova actually having a chance at killing something again, the deck is OK! Surprisingly good even.

2x Deaths to handle the Shaman 7/7s. To be honest, if you don't have death for that guy you probably lose. So in that case its in the same boat as every other class, but hey the priest answer only costs 3 mana instead of 4 or 5. Overall against Shaman you're probably ok if you can get a taunt or two out before the 7/7 shows up or be able to kill it immediately with Death. Then Holy Nova or Excavated Evil cleans up the rest of the aggro and your dragons roll in to mop up.

Against Druid, you could run 1x Shadow Word pain to deal with Fandral Staghelm, but I still think Shadow Madness is more useful overall. Death makes short work of the Arakkoa and C'thun when they show up, and your big dragons and Taunts will get you good enough trades to get out a big minion or two which Druid won't be able to remove. Then you just heal and thoughtsteal their best cards and GG. Stealing their C'thun will probably get you a Trolden highlight or something, but most of the cards are pretty good. Definitely want 2x Thoughtsteal against Druid.

The deck seems really playable against the two most common decks I'm seeing atm (Rank 10-9 and climbing)


lol that would be amazing.

I am 2/4 on the games I put it on my deck, once I evolved a board with a Tuskar, a wind totem and kodo rider plus 2 kodos, that game was already won, the second time it gave me an Emperor (taunt one) and Emperor (Thaurissan) for 9 mana from my hand lol. The other 2 games I lost one where I had it but couldn't played, and I won one without it


It'll always die immediately, that's why you have to summon minions on the same turn you play this guy. He's not really a 3 drop unless you have a creeper on board that you can suicide in that turn(or can coin out living roots).

Insane on 10 with wisp of the old gods though. Massive combo kappa


Undercity Huckster can be so ridiculous. The RNG on it must be weighted to give amazing things, cause I've never seen it be bad.

I've had three druid games where he gave me Fandral and a warrior game where he gave me a Grom. Won all 4 of those.

Hell I had games against other rogues where he gave me.. another a Huckster!!

I laugh every time I play him.. Hey, Hey, want to buy a... funnel cake?
I'd like to play a kinda goofy Rogue deck I've been messing around with and was wondering if anyone had any deck building tips. There's a chunk of 15 cards I'd really like to run, even though i'm sure it isn't the best because I doubt it's particularly consistent. Essentially I want a deck that runs:

Shadowstep x2
Journey Below x2
Jeweled Scarab x2
Undercity Huckster x2
Burgle x2
Brann x1
Unearthed Raptor x2
Shadowcaster x2

So I'm wondering what the other half of the deck should be that'd make this the best possible deck that runs all those cards?
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